

Teaching Computers Human Emotions


By Daniel Chen, David Lee


1. Recognize v. [ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] 辨認

2. Affective adj. [əˋfɛktɪv] 情感的

3. Two way street ph. 雙向道;互諒互讓的關係

4. Persona n. [pɚˋsonə] 角色

5. Get along with ph. 與…和睦相處

6. Embarrassed adj. [ɪmˋbærəst] 尷尬的

7. Sympathetic adj. [͵sɪmpəˋθɛtɪk] 同情的

8. Imbue v. [ɪmˋbju] 灌輸

9. Paralyzed adj. [ˋpærəlaɪzd] 癱瘓的

10. Facilitate v. [fəˋsɪlə͵tet] 促進;使容易

11. Make progress ph. 進展

12. Subtle adj. [ˋsʌt!] 細微的

In the future, the computers that we interact with might be able to tell how we're feeling - and that could improve the experience of communicating with a machine.


These researchers at Cambridge University in England trying teach computers to recognize our emotions - this driving simulator is measuring stress and how that effects our facial expressions.


Ian Davies, a researcher in Affective Computing, says if the driver is overloaded, the car's computer could decide to minimize distractions.


[Ian Davies, University of Cambridge]:

"If you are a driver and you are very stressed and you are overloaded with busy traffic and bad weather, maybe it would be a bad idea to let your phone ring. Maybe it would be a good idea to prevent you phone from ringing and alert you later that somebody tried to call you."


But communication is a two way street so the team want computers to be able to talk back with the same emotional awareness.


Tadas Baltrusaitis is developing a virtual persona for computer users to communicate with - one you can get along with.


[Tadas Baltrusaitis, University of Cambridge]:

"If you come up to an information desk, instead of having a real person sitting there you could ask a virtual character for directions and if the virtual character responds to your emotional cues and responds emotionally themselves, if they smile or if they look embarrassed if they don't know something, then that might improve your whole experience."


But the sympathetic face of computing might not be virtual.


Meet Charles - a robot who's sensitive to how you feel.


Laurel Riek says they are basically trying to imbue computers with social intelligence.


[Laurel Riek, University of Cambridge]:

"If you can imagine having a mobility aid in your home that picks you up and carries you to another room or something that helps you brush your teeth if you have become paralyzed or are unable to move your arms, umm, -- facilitating that kind of knowledge and understanding is really important for lots of populations of people."


The team say they are making progress but admit that the more subtle an expressions or gesture is, the more difficult it will be for a computer to recognize it.


Welcome to our world, computers.




本專欄由前衛英語李德良老師主編 www.davidlee.url.tw


They are trying to imbue computers with social intelligence.



But the sympathetic face of computing might not be virtual.





