天外有天---記武術大師李有甫先生的人生傳奇(上集) 風靡一時的好萊塢大片《熊貓功夫》令更多的西方人對中國功夫著迷,而新唐人電視台首屆全球華人武術大賽的成功舉辦更把武術這一中國古老的健身防身之術推向世界舞台。那急急如流星緩緩似祥云的招招式式,不僅令門外漢惊嘆不已,也令許多武林之人感到學無止境。然而俗話說,台上一分鍾,台下十年功。一個武術大家的出現除了其先天的素質外,還得能吃大苦,還得有很高的道德標准。如果我們把歷史倒回去,當您碰到一個因打飢荒而吃不飽飯而面黃肌瘦的十來歲的農村孩子,您會想到他會在几十年后成為聞名世界的集中醫和武術于一身的教授級武林高手嗎?在回憶起自己成才之路時,我們這位傳奇人物非常感慨地說:"老師說他一直在觀察我。一般來學武的,學了3年、1年或几個月就走了,可我跟著他堅持了10年。10 年中我一直很尊重老師,練得也很刻苦,無論天寒地凍還是烈日炎炎,我每天一大早風雨無阻的從大老遠赶來學武,盡管几年里老師只教了我一套拳法,我就默默地在那練,從不打扰他。" 欲知他是怎么得道成才的,欲知他是如何身獲絕技的,敬請收看《細語人生》節目天外有天---記武術大師李先生的人生傳奇。細語人生】天外有天-記武術大師李有甫先生的人生傳奇(上集)[Whispers of Life ] The Legend of Kung Fu Master Li Youfu (part 1)親愛的觀眾朋友大家好,中國武術源遠流長,南拳北腿,少林武當。Dear viewers, the Chinese martial arts go back to ancient times, such as the renowned southern fists and northern legs martial arts division, which are martial arts schools that originated in the Shaolin Monastery and Wudang Mountain, and belong to the Kung Fu martial arts.中國的功夫的精髓和意境是不練武的人很難體會到的。正是「台上一分鐘,台下十年功」,講出了學武練功之人的艱辛。The essence and conception of Chinese Kung Fu can't be easily understood by martial arts non-practitioners. “Behind one minute on stage is ten years of practice” clearly delineates the hardship endured by the practitioners. 今天我們給您介紹的就是一位武林界的高人,是武術界和氣功界的傳奇人物,他是中國少有的既有武術功底又有理論研究的大師級人物,後來呢他更成為中國中醫和氣功領域中的知名人物,他呢就是李有甫先生。Today, we have with us a Kung Fu master, a celebrity in martial arts and qigong circles. He not only has remarkable martial arts skills, but has also made great effort with theoretical studies into the subject matter. He also is a well-known expert in the fields of Chinese medicine. He is Mr. Li Youfu.李有甫先生從小習武,文革期間,還是中學生的他,就偷偷拜師學藝。在這場歷時罕見的文化浩劫中,勤學苦練,打下了堅實的基礎。在名師的指點下,李有甫先生先後學習了多種拳術和兵器。他曾多次在全國武術大賽中獲得了一等獎。1984年,作為山西大學武術研究生,成為中國歷史上首批獲得碩士學位的武術大師Mr. Li started to practice martial arts at an early age. During the Cultural Revolution, while still in secondary school, Li secretly looked for a master to learn martial arts. During this rarely experienced cultural catastrophe, Li studied and practiced diligently, and laid a solid foundation in the area of his interests. Under the guidance of great teachers, Li learned about different types of Chinese boxing and about martial arts weapons. He had won first prize in many national martial arts competitions. In 1984, as a martial arts graduate student from the Shanxi University, Li was among the first in China to obtain a Masters Degree in martial arts.宇欣:李有甫先生您好,在行內的人都知道有您這樣一位武術大師。那您這次來參加新唐人電視台舉辦的全世界武術比賽,作為評委會主席的您感覺怎麼樣?Yu Xin: Hello Mr. Li Youfu. You are well known in martial arts circles. How does it make you feel being the chair of the panel of judges, selected for the International Chinese Traditional Martial Arts Competition organized by the New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV)?李有甫:不要稱大師了,我想這些方面我只是有體會,我感到中華傳統武術博大精深,它有非常好的內涵,在中國大陸我那麼多年,進行過若干次中國的武術的比賽。但是進行一個全世界的中華傳統武術比賽,這一般人辦不到的。而且正真的傳統,那麼新唐人它的宗旨就是,規正中華神傳文化,發揚中華傳統武術和武德。從 這個角度出發它說首先抓住了武德是武術的根本。沒有武德,武術也提高不了,真的是提高不了。今天做出了之後,我感到很成功,而且大家都非常高興。Li Youfu: Please, do not call me Master. I think I merely have some experience in this discipline. I think that traditional Chinese martial art is very profound and is highly significant. I lived in Mainland China for many years and I was involved in several martial arts tournaments. In my believe, a completely new global Chinese traditional martial arts competition is not something an ordinary person can organize, as it is based on the true tradition. The competition aims to promote Chinese culture and display true martial art values to the world. It clearly understood that moral is at the fundament of martial arts. It is without doubt true that without martial arts morals, ones skills will not improve. Today, as the competition is over, I feel it is a great success, and everyone is very excited.宇欣:對,我看那個場面是非常的宏大。同時呢我們也能夠請到您上我們的節目,請您來談一談您個人的這個武術生涯。Yu: Yes, I saw that it was a truly grand occasion. It is out pleasure to have you here with us and have you share your personal experience with martial arts.李有甫:謝謝!Li: Thank you!宇欣:聽說您在一生當中練過很多的門派,刀、槍、劍術,還有八卦掌、太極拳很多很多,您自己向觀眾朋友先介紹一下。Yu: I heard that you have practiced in many schools of martial arts, such as knife, spear, and swords, Eight Trigrams Palm, and Tai Chi Chuan. Could you tell us about it?李有甫:好,武術就是內家拳、外家拳,這兩個是主要的,那器械有各種器械,十八般兵器。首先我練的是外家拳,外家拳就是像查拳,少林拳等等。Li: Sure. Martial Arts is composed of two major forms, the internal and external martial art. Then there are a variety of martial arts weapons, actually eighteen kinds of weapons. I first practiced external martial art, such as Cha Chuan and Shaolin Chuan..宇欣:看報導介紹您的武術絕技之一還有鞭桿,就是在1982年全國民族體育比賽當中,您以一根鞭桿使得滿堂震驚,獲得滿堂喝采,得了那次全國比賽的冠軍。那鞭桿是怎樣的武術?Yu: I read reports that you are an expert in whip rod martial art. In the 1982 National Sports Competition, you amazed the audience with your whip rod skills, and won the championship. What kind of martial art is the whip rod?李有甫:鞭桿是一個小棍,大拇指那麼粗,細的一端有大拇指粗,粗的一端就像一棵小樹的根部比較粗一點,大概有三尺三左右那麼長,就是人站立的話可以到達自己的胳膊肘那麼高,這個棍包括刀槍棍劍的動作。Li: Whip rod is a piece of rod about a thumb thick. The thinner end is as thick as a thumb, and the thicker end is a bit thicker than the root of a small tree. It is about 1.3 meter long, which is about as tall as the elbow height of a standing person. Whip rod actions are similar to knife, spear, stick and sword actions.起源據說是明朝末年,有一員大將在抵抗清兵的時候,後來由於明朝滅亡了,他就隱居到五臺山到一個廟裡頭,好像叫龍泉寺,到那個廟裡他就當和尚,他為了把這個武術繼承下來,當時出家人不能帶刀劍槍,不能拿帶這些東西,他可以練棍。It is said to have originated in the late Ming Dynasty. A general fought against the Qing soldiers. After the demise of Ming, he lived in seclusion in a temple on Wutai Mountain, probably called Longquan Temple at the time and became a monk. At the time, monks were not allowed to carry a knife, sword or spear. But he wanted to pass down his martial art skills, so he used a stick. 宇欣:不殺生。Yu: No killing.李有甫:他制止暴力,不是要把人殺了。他拿棍把你制住了,把你兵器打掉了,或者叫你拿下。Li: He stopped violence. It is not used to kill people, he used the stick to stop you, knock your weapon down or force you to put down your weapon.宇欣:是一種自衛防範的武器。Yu: it is a weapon for self-defense.李有甫:對,武德就在這裡。他首先教一些人,後來教小和尚,小和尚練得好,就把這個全記上了,這個小和尚叫教倫和尚,教倫和尚练得很好,教倫和尚教了兩個人,一個是任繼,一個叫李春芳,他們都很出名。後來任繼老先生就教了張含之。Li: Yes, this is the martial arts moral behavior. He first taught some people and then young monks. Young monks practiced diligently and recorded all the teachings. A monk called Jiaolun practiced very well and taught two more people. One was Ren Ji and the other Li Chunfang. They both became famous. Then, Ren Ji taught Zhang Hanzhi.宇欣:武術界每一項武器都有一個故事,您會很多武術不能一一的講,一个鞭桿就有這麼一段故事,那您的傳授老師是誰呢?Yu: There is a story behind every weapon used in martial arts. You know many weapons, but cannot talk about them all here. The whip rod also has such a story behind it, who was your teacher?李有甫:他就是山西大學的武術教授也是體育系主任陳盛甫先生,他到山西當武術協會主席,他是山東人,他在調查武術當中發現鞭桿很獨特,但是這個人他不公開傳播,他是比较輕易不傳人吧,陳盛甫先生他後來就想辦法跟他接近,張含之先生發現他人也很好,就可以教,就把全部鞭桿的武功技術方法全教會了陳盛甫老先生。Li: Mr. Chen Shengfu, the Martial Arts Professor and the head of the sports department at Shanxi University,. He went to Shanxi to be the chairman of the Martial Arts Association. He came originally from Shandong Province. When doing research in martial arts, he found the whip rod to be very unique. Alas, the whip rod master Zhang Hanzhi did not teach in the public or choose student casually. Therefore, Mr. Chen contacted him. Mr. Zhang found Chen to be a good person and can be taught, so he taught Chen all his whip rod methods. 他練了以後他後來得了在華北地區一個民族體育會上,他表演之後獲得大家共同的稱讚,都覺得太好了,他歲數大了以後又得了全國的冠軍。我在文革當中後來跟他有偶然的機會能認識他,拜他為師之後我就學這個鞭桿。After completing his training, Mr. Chen demonstrated his whip rod skills during a sports conference in Northern China. He won praise from the audience but did not win the national championship until older. During the Cultural Revolution, I met him by chance. I looked up to him as my teacher and learned my whip rod skills from him. 宇欣:據說您這一生當中有兩位名師傳教給您,這是其中一位陳老師,您能不能在簡單介紹一下您是怎麼走上習武這條路的?Yu: I heard you had two renowned teachers teaching you Kung Fu. Master Chen is one of them. Can you briefly talk about how you decided to go into martial arts?李有甫:當初走上習武這條路是由於當時我在鄉下,在河北省北京東部的一個鄉下,十幾歲的時候正趕上三年大飢荒,就餓死很多人,每天只喝一碗粥維持生命。Li: I chose to learn martial arts because at the time I was in the countryside in Hebei Province, East of Beijing. As a teenager I lived during the Great Famine. Many people starved to death. We had only one bowl of Chinese rice gruel a day to keep us alive.宇欣:那是在什麼時候?Yu: When was that?李有甫:59年到60年,58年以後,58年是大躍進,大家吃大鍋飯,到59年只能喝大鍋粥了。大家都集中到生產隊去領一碗粥。Li: From 1959 to 1960, after 1958. 1958 was the Great Leap Forward, people had to eat in the “big pot system”. By 1959, we were only given Chinese rice gruel. People were arranged in production teams and each person received this bowl of food.宇欣:是怎樣的大鍋飯呢?Yu: What is the “big pot system”?李有甫:就是把每家每戶的鍋都砸了,煉鐵煉鋼了,把菜刀也拿走了,沒有菜刀沒有鍋不能做飯了。Li: They smashed the pots in every household and took them to make iron and steel. They even took the kitchen knives away. Without the kitchen knife and pots, we could no longer cook.宇欣:家裡什麼鍋碗瓢盆都沒有了?所以大家都要去吃那個大鍋飯。Yu: So no pots or pans were left at home? So everybody had to eat in the “big pot system”?李有甫:它說共產主義了,你們來這裡我們集體吃飯,結果到那裡只能領一碗粥喝。那個粥還很稀,就是水啊!Li: It was said to be communism, people all came together to eat as a group. But when we got there, each person could only get one bowl food. The gruel congee was so thin that we should just call it water!宇欣:一日三餐都去吃大鍋飯Yu Xin: Everyone had three meals a day with everyone else. 李有甫:對,根本不是糧食,很難講是用什麼東西做的。那餓的沒辦法啦,我就看武俠小說,看武俠小說就看的很熱鬧呀,武俠英雄啊,我非常羨幕,就忘了餓了。而且也產生了要行俠仗義,要練武,要成為俠客或者劍客這個想法。Youfu Li: Exactly. No one could eat it. It’s hard to say what the “food” was made of. I was starving, so I read martial arts novels and hoped I could become one of the heroes in the stories. This way, I forgot about hunger and wanted to practice martial arts and be good at playing knives or swords. 我要是練好了,我看當時鄉下共產黨的幹部欺壓百姓,說不給誰吃飯就不給吃你這碗粥了,就把你餓死了。If I made it, I would be able to punish those communist leaders who oppressed the general public. They could make anyone starve to death by not giving you watery rice. 我當時認識一個麻子筷子,就是在鄉下生產隊裡有個很小的個子,滿臉黑痲子的人,他是一個共產黨員,他很壞啊,他說不給誰吃飯,他一個筷子就勾你名字下頭的格,你今天的飯就等於領了,就不給你吃了,他想這樣對待誰都可。I knew a communist, nicknamed “Spot Chopstick,” from a rural production team. He was very short, with many spots all over his face. He was very evil. He didn't give you food by crossing out your name with a chopstick, as if you had already taken food. He could do this to anyone.宇欣:連粥也喝不上了。Yu Xin: Not even watery rice. 李有甫:真的餓死很多人,我親眼看到,餓死在路邊的多了。我就想練武術來教訓他。Youfu Li: I witnessed many people dying from malnutrition. It was so real. Many died on the sidewalk, so I wanted to practice martial arts to punish him. 宇欣:後來說有這個願望了,怎樣找到啟蒙老師呢?Yu Xin: You had a wish. How did you find the first teacher? 李有甫:对,我的一個啟蒙老師是我初中同學的父親,他也姓陳,這個同學練武,我問說跟誰練啊?他說他父親練的非常好,過去也是飛簷走壁的。我就跟他拜兄弟,跟他拜兄弟,那當然他父親看我們倆都一樣,就教我們。Youfu Li: My first teacher, Chen, was the father of my secondary school classmate. My classmate practiced martial arts and told me his dad was very good at it, able to fly above houses and walk on walls. Then, we became brothers and his dad treated us the same way and taught both of us.當時教的是查拳那一門的盤腿,中國式摔跤,這麼就開始練開了。後來我到了山西就再另找老師了。At that time, he taught us leg crossing of Cha Fist Fight and Chinese wrestling. This is how I began to practice martial arts. After that, I went to Shanxi to learn from another Mr. Chen. 宇欣:這個麻子筷子後來有沒有挨打?Yu Xin: Was the “Spot Chopstick” beaten up?李有甫:沒有挨打,但是他遭到了惡報。我練武老師講說重武德不要打人,我也沒有去教訓他,但是他後來年紀還不大就被砸死了,他去挖防空洞,防空洞倒塌,他就被砸死在裡邊。Youfu Li: My teachers told me to have high moral standards, not to be involved in fights, so I didn’t beat him. But still, he was severely punished and died young while digging air-raid shelters. The shelter collapsed and he died inside. 很多人哪沒有人去救他,因為周圍的人都知道他太壞了,就聽見他哀嚎,在裡面喊救命也沒有人去,他也受到了惡報。所以說我們講武德的人用不著去打他。No one tried to rescue him, as he was evil, although he was screaming and crying for help. He received a harsh punishment, so martial arts practitioners did not need to hit him.宇欣:您的故事當中有這麼一段記載說您初學武功就救了同學這麼一段英勇善戰的故事。Yu Xin: One of your stories was about rescuing a classmate, like a hero, when you were a fledgling in martial arts. 李有甫:這也是逼出來的,當時文革剛開始,我們有些同學就去另外一個學校玩了,去玩的時候被那些武鬥隊的人包圍在裡邊打,什麼原因我也不太清楚,後來有個同學就找我了,說我們同學在那邊被圍住在打他們,說你去幫他們救救他們唄!Youfu Li: I had no choice. When the Cultural Revolution just started, some of my classmates went to play at another school and were surrounded and beaten by some bullies. I still don't know why. A classmate looked for me and asked me to save their lives. 我就一個人,人家都有槍啊,但我想同學挨打,我得幫幫忙去救救他們,我就跑去了,我一看這麼多人,幾十個人在圍著他們打,往頭上臉上亂打。I thought I must help rescuing them though they all had guns and I was alone. Dozens of them surrounded my classmates, hitting their heads and faces like crazy. 我就說你們不要打人,他們就朝著我來了,幾個人圍上來就要打,當時我才20歲,血氣方剛。我也不管了就把武功用出來就踢了,他們拿出槍來我也踢把人也踢倒了,這個時候,因為打我了,圍上來打了嘛,我就跑就躲。I said, “You should not knock them down,” so they walked towards me, and were about to fight with me. At that time, I was only 20 and not afraid of anything. I used my martial arts skills and kicked them. Some of them tried to use their guns and I knocked them down. Then, all of them came to fight with me and I ran away. 這時候上來一個,我老師還是有好的教育,說你不要傷人,他拳打過來,我一攔就拳擱在他臉上沒下手,他就把我鬆開了,沒抓住我,我就跑了,要不然他們都有槍,他們後來朝我開槍了,沒打到我,我就翻牆跑了,就是這麼個小故事。My teacher educated me well, asking me not to hurt others. One guy came up to punch me; I pushed his fist away and put my fist in his face, but did not hit him. Then, he let me off. They all had guns and fired at me, but did not hit me. I ran over a wall and left. 宇欣:武功終於派上用場了,在您人生經歷當中,前面我們提到,教您武功的兩位老師都是武術名家。Yu Xin: Finally, martial arts came in handy. We mentioned earlier that two of your teachers were both martial arts experts. 李有甫:頭一位是陳盛甫Youfu Li: The first was Shengfu Chen.宇欣:就是教鞭桿的老師,另一位是?Yu Xin: The one that taught you whipping stick. The second was…?李有甫:陳濟生老師Youfu Li: Master Jisheng Chen宇欣:什麼時候先后拜這兩位老師為師呢Yu Xin: When did you start learning from them?李有甫:我先說頭一個,第一個就是在文革的時候,我不是喜歡練武術嘛,跟同學一起練,跟他們學習,後來山西大學有一位当时的黨委書記的兒子,他也在練武術。Youfu Li: I met the first during the Cultural Revolution. At that time, I practiced martial arts with classmates. I learned from them. The son of a Communist Party secretary at Shanxi University also practiced.我不知道他是誰,他爸爸也被關起來了沒有自由,因為文革要整一些當頭的,校長、書記、系主任的,他自己在那邊練拳。I didn’t know who he was. During the Cultural Revolution, some leaders, principals, secretaries, and deans suffered. And, his father lost his freedom and was imprisoned. 我說你跟誰學?他說我跟山西大學武術教授陳盛甫學的。我說這麼好,我能不能跟他學,你介紹一下,他說可以啊。I asked for the name of his teacher. He said he was with the Kung Fu Professor, Shengfu Chen, at Shanxi University. I responded that this was awesome and asked if I could learn from him and if he could introduce me to him. He agreed. 他就領到哪裡去呢?連他父親那些人哪,帶那些什麼所謂系主任、教授、學術權威,在文革當中把他們叫做牛鬼蛇神,給關在所說的牛棚,就是說他們在那個房間裡,讓他們都住到那裡去。During the Cultural Revolution, many people such as deans, professors, and academic experts, including his dad, were nicknamed “Ghosts of Cattle and Gods of Snake”. And, all of them were locked in a room called “Shelter for Cattle”. 宇欣:那牛棚不是說跟牛住在一起?Yu Xin: To live with cattle? 李有甫:不是跟牛住在一起。Youfu Li: There were no cattle.宇欣:沒有牛棚。Yu Xin: No “Shelter for Cattle”?李有甫:所謂大家說橫掃一切牛鬼蛇神這文革的話就是把那些有問題的,它們要整的人其實都是好人,把他們叫做牛鬼蛇神。Youfu Li: The Cultural Revolution wanted to torture people with “problems” and called them “Ghosts of Cattle and Gods of Snake”. Actually, all of them were good people.宇欣:就是把這些好人通稱為牛鬼蛇神。Yu Xin: The good people were nicknamed.李有甫:把他們關起來之後沒有自由了,不能隨便出入,大家把這個叫牛棚,是這麼來的。所以把他們關起來,他就把我領到那兒去,那都是有人監督的,但是我去見他也沒什麼,我是小孩子,我當時才18歲。Li Fu: They lost their freedom. That’s why the room was called “Shelter for Cattle”. The son of a Communist Party secretary brought me there. And, the guard let me in because I was a kid of only 18 at that time.宇欣:陳老師就關在牛棚裡面。Yu Xin: Master Chen was kept there.李有甫:正在寫檢查呢。當時陳盛甫老師已經快七十歲,他的頭髮都白了,當時經過介紹,我說我想跟您學武術、拜師父。Youfu Li: He was writing a confession letter. At that time, he was almost 70 and his hair turned white. After being introduced, I said I hoped to learn martial arts from him.宇欣:當時老師關在牛棚裡,那時候也可以讓他去教弟子可以嗎?Yu Xin: At that time, the teacher was locked up in the “Shelter for Cattle”, was he allowed to teach his disciples?李有甫:他教一般都是早晨教,那些人都還沒有起床Youfu Li: He usually taught in the morning, and his jailers had not gotten up yet.宇欣:就是批鬥這些人還沒來。Yu Xin: Those would scold and beat him had not come yet.李有甫:就批鬥他的人都沒起床。他說要堅持練習才行,練武術。他就跟我講了一件和武術沒關的東西,他就講了孟子的話:「天之降大任於斯人也,必先苦其心志,勞其筋骨,空乏其身」等等,他講這些我說這??Youfu Li: Exactly. He said he must keep practicing martial arts. Then, he told me something that had nothing to do with martial arts, words of Mencius, "God will ask this man to do something significant and challenging. Before that, God would make him suffer mentally and physically……" and so on. 宇欣:這都是一些做人的道理。Yu Xin: These are some principles that one should follow in life.李有甫:做人的道理。他讓我練練我以前的東西。他說你這個方法不對,練武術要放鬆,你不要使勁用力、發力那個都不對的,教授的東西就是不一樣。同時他開始教我長拳、小花拳。我這次還看到有人打,就說不錯我練了以後有人學。後來就練了刀術、劍術、八卦掌還有鞭桿。Youfu Li: Yes. He let me practice things that I used to do. He said my approach was wrong, and I should be relaxed when practicing martial arts, not using my energy. What he taught me was totally different. At the same time, he started teaching me Long Fist Fight and Little-flower Fist Fight. Also, I saw someone doing this. This is a good sign; someone learned it after I had practiced it. After that, I practiced the arts of knives and swords, Bagua Palm Fight, and whipping stick.宇欣:我看您那個故事上面有說您那個十年好像才學了一套什麼拳術。那老師教您什麼?Yu Xin: I read your story that says you only learned one type of fist fight during a period of ten years. What did he teach you?李有甫:一開始十年就學一套小花拳。Youfu Li: First, I learned one set of Little-flower Fist Fight for ten years.宇欣:那為什麼那麼長時間?Yu Xin: Why so long?李有甫:當時別人來練幾天,他都表揚說你進步很快都這樣,我練了好多年,我是下苦功他也不表揚我。我說老師您給我看一看,他就看看說你這練的不行、那裡不行,你這還得好好練,那裡怎麼練,他很認真的教。Youfu Li: At that time, some disciples were practicing for a few days, and he praised all of them for their quick improvement. I practice very hard for many years, and yet he did not praise me. I asked him if I was on the right track. He responded that I had a lot to improve and must work very hard. He taught with all his heart.宇欣:他可能是那種高標準要求你。Yu Xin: He probably wanted you to be very good. 李有甫:我想是吧!Youfu Li: Maybe.宇欣:像歷史上很多修行的故事也是一樣。那就是那師父看中那個徒弟他就對他越嚴格。Yu Xin: Like many self-cultivation stories in the past, the master would be stricter with the disciple whom he had picked. 李有甫:可能有這個因素。後來我就跟他練,一練就是十年。十年這一套拳我確實覺得練的提高的比較快。Youfu Li: Perhaps. He then trained me for a decade and I improved a lot in this set of fist fight. 宇欣:就是十年練了一套。練了一套,後來那您那些功夫都是什麼時候學的?Yu Xin: Practicing one set for a decade. When did you learn other martial arts then? 李有甫:後來幾年當中就的教功就很快了,因為我學的也快,他一看我下苦功,十年不間斷,很少,他就把很多東西都教給我了。他這才敞開來教,你想學什麼?他教我讓我都感覺到這個老師怎麼突然什麼拳都教,你學什麼他教你很快。Youfu Li: Because I learned quickly and worked very hard for a decade almost without any breaks, he then taught me lots of things. He asked what I wanted to learn and taught me everything. I was surprised that he taught me all the fist-fights. 宇欣:那每天你比如說教你這麼多,那你要每天練多長時間?是不是一定特別辛苦?Yu Xin: He taught you so much every day. How many hours did you practice every day? Did you have to work extremely hard? 李有甫:早晨在他那練二個小時,回去之後再複習,該練一、二個小時吧!Youfu Li: After his two-hour training in the morning, I came back to repeat his teaching for one or two hours! 宇欣:就說這個台上一分鐘,台下十年功。Yu Xin: To perform on stage for one minute, one has to practice for one decade, as the old saying goes. 李有甫:是那真的是不假。Youfu Li: Absolutely.宇欣:那非常非常的刻苦。就說在第一位這個名師的教導之下就學了這麼多的功夫。Yu Xin: Working very, very hard. You learned so much under the first teacher's guidance. 李有甫:我主要是學的他的幾個長拳、小花拳還有底功拳、刀、槍、劍、棍也練了一些,他重點是他教了我鞭桿。這個鞭桿就是後來在這個社會上的就流傳開,大家都比較注重的一種兵器。Youfu Li: Most of what I learned from him was a few sets of Long Fist Fight, Little-flower Fist Fight, Digong Fist Fight, knives, lances, swords, and sticks. He focused on teaching me whipping stick, which later became popular among the general public. Most people considered using a weapon as important. 宇欣:能承受多少看您的忍耐力,您就得到多少。這是其中的一位名師,第一位老師陳盛甫。第二位名師是什麼時候拜他為師的呢?Yu Xin: The more you can bear, the more you will get. Your first teacher is Shengfu Chen. When did you start with the second teacher?李有甫:第二位是過了文化大革命。文革以後1980年,那時候有一個全國傳統武術的表演大會。在山西太原。當時我在裁判競賽組工作,我的老師他是做評委會主席,當時陳濟生老師在文革以後他也有了自由了,他就到大會上去了,他去之後兩個老先生他們是結拜兄弟,也是結拜兄弟,過去練武的人?Youfu Li: That was after the Cultural Revolution. In 1980, there was a National Conference of Traditional Martial Arts in Taiyuan of Shanxi province. I worked in the jury department, and my teacher was the President of the jury. At that time, Jisheng Chen also regained freedom after the Cultural Revolution, so he went to the Conference. The two elderly men were brothers. 宇欣:武林高手。Yu Xin: Martial arts experts.李有甫:過去練武的人他們互相覺得都很投緣,都覺得對方功夫高、人也好,兩個人就結拜兄弟了,桃園結義一樣的。他們過去是結義的,這個陳濟生老師他們一共有五個人結義,我這個陳盛甫老師是他的二哥,陳濟生老師是老三,還有老大還有老四、老五,那幾個都是冠軍,山東省冠軍,全國冠軍、亞軍都有,這都是舊中國那時候的事。Youfu Li: In the past, if two martial arts practitioners had a lot in common, both felt the other was excellent in martial arts and was a nice person, they would become brothers for ever. Five of them became brothers for ever, my teacher, Shengfu Chen, was his second elder brother, Jisheng Chen was No. 3. All the rest had been champions years ago, such as champion in Shandong province, national champion, and runner-up.宇欣:您也是很幸運的我覺得。Yuxin: I think you are also very lucky.李有甫:就是因為他們那些人跟陳濟生老師比武的摸不著他,摸不著他都打不到他身上,都知道他真的有功夫,那些人都是有招有勢的,那武術打起來擂台上能拿冠軍的,那功夫很好的,打不著他,知道這個陳濟生老師厲害。Li Youpu: These people could not even touch Master Chen Jishen during a Wushu contest , nor were they able to hit his body. They were all aware that he had real martial arts skills. Those people all had their good martial arts movements, and they could win the championship if they participated in martial contests. They had good martial arts skills but they could not touch him. They all knew this Master Chen Jisheng was great.宇欣:這非常厲害了。Yuxin: That is very great.李有甫:他太極拳很高。Li Youpu: His Taiji was very high level.宇欣:這個陳濟生老師教您的是什麼功夫?Yuxin: What kind of Gongfu did Master Chen Jisheng teach you?李有甫:他還沒上來教我,是先陳盛甫老師跟他詳細介紹,他跟他談了二個小時,他不教人的。他文革以後他不輕易教,他說現在的人怕他們去打架,你看他非常注重武德的。Li Youpu: He did not teach me yet. It is Master Chen Shengpu talked to him for two hours. He did not teach students. Ever since the Cultural Revolution, he did not casually teach students. He said he was afraid that nowadays they might use it to assault people. You see he paid close attention to the virtues of martial arts.宇欣:師父找徒弟。Yuxin: It is the Master who looks for his students.李有甫:陳盛甫老師給他談,談的有二個小時就說我跟他這個認識的過程,因為十幾年我怎麼去學的,他的意思是說這個人我是經過考驗的,就是說觀察了那麼多年覺得還是不錯。Li Youpu: Master Chen Shengpu talked to him about me for two hours and how over the dozen of years I learned from him. What he meant was that I had passed the test. That is to say after so many years observation, he thought that I was not bad.宇欣:那他不是那種忍痛割愛把自己的高徒介紹給他。Yuxin: Didn’t he think that he parted reluctantly with what he treasured and introduced his best student to him.李有甫:他們沒有那個觀念,我就奇怪其他的師父都覺得我的徒弟成了別人的徒弟了,我培養了半天到人家那出名,他沒有那個觀念。Li Youpu: They did not have that notion. I was curious for the other masters would feel that their student would later on would become someone else’s student after they had trained them for quite a while, but later on he became famous when he became someone else’ student. He did not have that notion.他覺得你可以給他提高,他們對學生我這兩個老師都是這樣。他們對學生是說我把你培養出來讓你提高是我的目的。所以真正的老師、師父都是這樣子想法,我越來越感覺到。He felt that you could improve. My two masters treated students the same way. In treating the students, they believed that it was my purpose to train you and improve you. So, for the genuine teacher and master, they are like this. I feel this way more and more often.所以那個後來陳濟生老師跟我講說,你老師跟我詳細說了你們的認識過程,這我才教你,我不是隨便都教的。他教我太極拳,他那個太極拳我練過,跟那個陳盛甫老師跟別的老師我都練過好多種太極拳,練了十幾年了,我也練了看起來還是不錯的,跟他們比我也是不差的一個人,但是?So later on Master Chen Jisheng told me, "Your teacher told me all about your marital arts training in detail. Then I decided to teach you. It is not that I accept a student casually." He taught me Taiji. I learned his Taiji, I learned several different types of Taiji from Masters Chen Shengpu and others for over a dozen years. I practiced and looked not bad, and compared to them, I was not a bad one. But?宇欣:所以他這個更高。Yuxin: So his is even higher level.李有甫:練的高。他那個太極拳我練了以後我感覺以前都沒入門。Li Youpu: He is very high level. After practicing his Taiji, I felt as if I had not even learned the rudiments of Taiji.宇欣:他不同是怎麼回事呢?Yuxin: What made him so different?李有甫:我練了以後身上感覺到,這個感覺非常強烈,練的也很好我感覺有能量。練完了身體很舒服,我說武術還有這個東西,同時開始跟他學太極拳,108式太極拳。Li Youpu: After practicing it, physically I had a very strong feeling. After good practice, I felt strong energy. I felt very comfortable physically after practicing it. I said the martial arts could also give this. At the same time, I started to learn from him Taiji, the 108 forms of Taiji.宇欣:他這個也是屬於秘不外傳的?Yuxin: Was this also handed down as a closely guarded secret?李有甫:他也適當的傳,他這個看人了,他教人比較注重選德。還有八卦掌,後來學他的遊身八卦,還有他的迷魂掌,對我他也是越來越公開越不保守了,他感覺到我這個人還可以教,所以我也很榮幸。這兩個老師對我都是毫無保留。我很感謝。後來他越來越對培養我也更重視,他就教給我除了遊身八卦、除了這個迷魂掌之外,他就教我點穴。我說點穴傷人我不太想學,他說很奇怪他說怎麼這個東西你不學?別人是一輩子都想學這個。我說我想幫人,不想傷人。Li Youpu: He handed it down in a proper way. He would choose students. He paid more attention to virtues in teaching students. Also there was the Eight Trigrams Palm. Later on I also learned from him Yousheng Eight Trigrams, and his maze palm. He was getting more and more open with me. He felt that he could still teach me. So I was also very lucky. These two masters taught me without reservation. I feel very grateful. Later on he trained me more and more, and I paid more attention. He taught me Yousheng Eight Trigrams, Maze Palm, he taught me how to touch the vital points. I replied that the touching of the vital points might hurt people, and I did not want to learn. He said that it was weird that how come you did not want to learn this? For the other students they wanted to learn this all their lives. I said I wanted to help people instead of hurting people.宇欣:不想傷人。Yuxin: Instead of hurting people.李有甫:他就更願意教我了,他說你是對的,他教了我點穴還教了解穴,我就用老師教的方法看人受傷了那裡不能動了,我就用解穴的方法能救人。Li Youpu: He was even more willing to teach me. He said you were right. He taught me how to touch the vital points and also how to undo the touching as well. I used the method of undoing the touching taught to me by the master to see if someone was injured and could not move, I would apply the method of undoing the touching to save them.宇欣:可以救人。Yuxin: So it can save people.李有甫:以前我也學過一些點穴解穴,他的方法就更高一些,他也教我這個。Li Youpu: I also had learned some ways of touching and undo the touching before he taught me. But his method was even high level.宇欣:這次武術大賽沒有機會看到您的表演也是很遺憾的一件事。還有您在習武的過程當中,有一件非常遺憾的事,就是您的一位老師臨終的時候要把一些密傳的東西傳給您。Yuxin: It regret to not see your performance at the Martial Arts Competition. Also when you were practicing the martial arts, there was one thing very regretful. That is one of your masters wanted to pass down something very secret to you before he died.李有甫:有這個事,就是陳濟生老師他臨終的時候就要傳一些密傳的東西,託人打電話給我,我個人還是好辦,但是當時我在山西大學工作上一個事情離不開,結果他去世的時候跟他最小的兒子講,他不來的話這些東西就失傳了。後來我聽了很難過,我說老師對學生真是,我們過去都說師父師父??Li Youpu: There was in deed such a thing. That is before Master Chen Jisheng died, he wanted to pass on some secrets. He asked people to call me. But, I could not go because of my job at Shanxi University. As a result, when he passed away, he told his youngest son, that if I couldn’t come, all these things would become lost. Later on when I heard about it, I was very sad. 宇欣:一日為師終身為父,真的是非常難過,也是很遺憾的事,就是他連自己的兒子都沒有傳,就想密傳給你。Yuxin: For someone to be your Master for one day, he would be the same as good as your father all your life. It is really a regretful thing. That is to say that he did not pass the secret to his son but instead he wanted to pass it to you.李有甫:當時我聽到的是這個情況,其它我就也不太清楚,當時我也很感動,也難過了一段時間,後來我經過再提高,再認識很多東西,我也很有收獲,後來在練武當中也有種對修煉的追求,因為人不光是??,後來我也想有些人練武喜歡動手,把人推倒了制服了就覺得很高興,覺得功夫就是這個。後來我發現並不是這個,人要修煉,我就一直在想這個問題。Li Youpu: When I heard about this situation, I was not very clear about other things, I was very touched, and I felt sad for quite some time. Later, I improved. Then, I also pursued cultivation. After some time, I thought that some people would use force in doing martial arts. They wanted to control people. They felt that martial arts were just like that. Later on I discovered that it was not like this. Human beings need to cultivate. I have been thinking of this question.宇欣:師傅找徒弟的時候,他也就是看你這個人品行道德,他才會傳給你。以上呢就是李有甫先生在這兩位武術名師的指導之下,從一個徒弟一點點的在他不懈的努力之下,成為一位武術大師的經歷。我想今天的節目時間到了,至於以後李有甫大師如何成858;武術界的碩士,是吧?Yuxin: When the Master looks for his students, he also pays close attention to your moral behaviors and virtues before he teaches you anything. What we talked about, Mr. Li Youpu experienced on his way to become a martial arts master. I believe time is up for our program today. In the future we will talk about how Master Li Youpu became the Master of Martial Arts.您還有一個職稱是這個中國人體科學研究中心的副研究員,後來李有甫先生如何成為中醫領域的一位知名人物,而且他是一位非常有名的中醫師,是中醫博士,那這段經歷呢在下一集中由李有甫先生告訴我們。非常感謝您觀眾朋友收看我們的節目,下次節 446;時間我們在見。Mr. Li also have a title that is associate researcher of China Human Body Science Research Center. We will talk about how Mr. Li Youpu became a well-known person in the Chinese medicine field and also a very famous Chinese medicine practitioner and Chinese medicine Ph.D? We will have Mr. Li Youpu tell us his experience in our next program. Thank you very much audience for watching our program and we will see you next time.