【看新聞學英語】 冰島火山噴發減緩

Icelandic Volcano Spews Less Ash


CoCo Hong, David Lee


1. ground(v):使停飛

2. erupt(v):爆發

3. spew(v):噴出

4. explosive(adj):爆炸性的

5. atmosphere(n):大氣

6. embarrassment(n):窘境

7. improve(v):改進

8. significantly(adv):顯著地

9. ban(n):禁止


Icelandic scientists say that the volcano which grounded air traffic all over Europe was still erupting but spewing less ash.I


The volcano located southeast of Iceland's capital Reykjavik had earlier sent plumes of ash as high as 11 kilometers.


Speaking to reporters here in the capital the scientists say they still can't predict when the eruption will actually end.


[Pall Einarsson, Geophysics Professor, University of Iceland]: "The eruption has been declining, or the eruptive, the explosive part of the eruption has been declining, in the last days and it is now considerably less than it was just four days ago. So definitely there is less ash going into the atmosphere now, than in the early part of the eruption."

冰島大學地球物理學教授Pall Einarsson說 :「火山的噴發已經在減弱中,或者可以說噴發的爆炸部分已在減緩,過去幾天到現在和四天前相較,已經減少很多了。所以和剛爆炸的時候相比,現在進入大氣中的火山灰肯定比較少了。」

Scientists are also monitoring a potentially more dangerous volcano nearby, but there were no signs it had re-awakened.


Meanwhile as Europe's air traffic slowly restarts, in Germany the International Air Travel Association criticized government handling of the volcano's impact on air travel.


[Giovanni Bisignani, Director General and CEO, IATA]:

"Reopening the airspace in the UK was a big step forward but the situation continues to be an embarrassment for Europe. Why? Because they were late in taking decisions. Why? Because after 20 years we are still discussing a single European sky. Europe has to take leadership in speeding up certain kinds of processes."

國際航空旅行協會的總幹事兼執行長 Giovanni Bisignani說:「重新開放英國的領空是向前跨了一大步,但是這種情況對歐洲而言仍就是個窘境。為什麼?因為他們太慢做出決定。為什麼?因為過了20年後我們仍舊在討論單一的歐洲領空。歐洲在加速某些程序上必須採取主導的地位。」

Officials at Eurocontrol in Belgium said for now the flight situation across Europe was improving.


[Brian Flynn, Deputy Director, Eurocontrol]:

"Happily the situation today is very significantly improved over what it has been over the previous days. We expect that more than 75 percent of the flights foreseen to operate in Europe will be able to operate today. That is that more than 20,000 flights out of 27 to 28,000 will be able to operate."

歐洲航空安全組織副主任 Brian Flynn表示:「與前幾天相較,很高興今天的情況有了非常顯著的改進,我們預計今天將有超過75%的歐洲航班可望能正常營運。」

Eurocontrol also said any additional flight bans would depend on volcanic ash risks dictated by the volcano's behavior.




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