【看新聞學英語】 越南年度順化節慶典漸近尾聲
Vietnam's Annual Hue Festival Draws to a Close
Jessie Chen, David Lee
1. extravaganza: n. 盛會
2. thousands of…: phr. 數以千計的…
3. theme v. 使成為主題
4. character: n. 特色
5. climax: n. 高潮
6. backdrop: n. 背景
7. not only…but(also)…: phr. 不僅..而且..
8. legend: n. 傳奇
9. cradle: n. 搖籃、發源地
10. light up: phr. 點燃
11. depict: v. 描述
A nine-day extravaganza marking the culture and history of Vietnam came to a close on Sunday in the ancient capital of Hue.
為期 9天用來紀念越南文化和歷史的盛會,周日在古都順化進入尾聲。
Thousands of Vietnamese and foreign tourists crowded the venue of the annual event.
This year's festival was themed "Cultural Heritage during Integration and Development."
[Ngo Hoa, Hue Festival Organizing Committee]:
[Ngo Hoa, 順化節組委會]:
“Every country and nation has its own cultural characters, so festival 2010 is a place to introduce the cultural characters of Vietnam, of Hue and other regions, to the international communities, friends and overseas Vietnamese. It is also a place to gather and exchange the art and culture of different countries of five continents.”
On Saturday evening, a colorful performance along the banks of the Perfume River at sunset marked the climax of the festival.
The performance was called "Legends of the Perfume River." Dragon boats with performers clad in traditional costumes floated down the river against a three-mile backdrop of historical buildings… depicting the river's history, legends and beauty.
這場表演稱為“香江傳奇“。龍舟上載著身著傳統服裝的表演者,順河而下,與三英里外的的歷史性建築背景對照 ...描繪了香江的歷史,傳說及美麗。
[Le Quy Duong, Art Director, “Legends of Perfume River”]:
"The humans on the Earth can not live without rivers. The river is not only a life source for people but it is also a source of emotion. Perfume River really is a legend as it is not only the source for poetry, music, paintings, religious and ritual spirit. It sticks closely to the life of many ordinary people who earn a living on the river. The Perfume River is a cradle and a life source that helps Hue residents to move forward to their future.”
[Le Quy Duong,“香江傳奇”藝術總監說]:
At Thien Mu pagoda, monks and young girls lit up flowered lanterns with the shape of the letter of "Thien Mu Pagoda" in Chinese characters. Legend says a fairy once appeared and disappeared where the pagoda stands.
There was also a fashion show of traditional costumes from countries such as Japan, China, India, Laos and Mongolia.
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