A Refreshing New Year with Dutch Winter Diving
Jessie Chen, David Lee
1. refreshing: adj. [rɪˋfrɛʃɪŋ] 清新的
2. diving: n. [ˋdaɪvɪŋ]跳水
3. thousands of: ph. [ˋdaɪvɪŋ ɑv] 數以萬計的…
4. participate in: ph. [pɑrˋtɪsə͵pet] [ɪn]參加
5. leap: v. [lip] 跳躍
6. due to: ph. [dju tu] 因為、由於
7. symbolic: adj.[sɪmˋbɑlɪk]象徵的
8. despite: prep. [dɪˋspaɪt] 僅管
9. dip: v. [dɪp]浸
10. prosperity: n. [prɑsˋpɛrətɪ] 繁榮
Thousands of people participate in the New Year’s diving at Schevenigen Beach in The Hague, Holland.
Participants are full of excitement, just waiting to leap into the freezing sea water, to welcome and celebrate the New Year.
Although such winter diving events are being canceled in many places this year due to low temperatures, around 10,000 people have come to Schevenigen – 2,000 more than last year.
雖然這樣的冬季跳水活動,因為今年氣溫低,很多地方已取消,但仍有約 10,000人來到Schevenigen –比去年還多2,000人呢。
The New Year diving holds 50 years of tradition and the number of participants are growing.
新年跳水已有 50年傳統,,參加人數越來越多。
[Marieke Bos, Organizer]: (Female, English)“Well, this day is a little bit crazy day for the Dutch people. Since 1960 one man started running into the sea on New Year’s Day and since then it is growing and growing ever since. So at this moment about 27,000 people in the Netherlands will be running to the sea to get a fresh start of the day. And it is a fresh start of the year, and that is a bit symbolic. So you just dive under, and start your year together.”
[Marieke Bos, Organizer]主辦單位Marieke Bos說:(英國女性)“嗯,這天對荷蘭人來說有點瘋狂。自1960年開始,有個人在元旦衝進海裡,就從那時起,人數一直增長。 所以在此刻,約有 27,000人在荷蘭,將衝進海裡,開始嶄新一天。 它是一年的開始,有些象徵意義的。 所以是,你跳下,並同時開始新的一年。
The man who started this tradition is 81-year-old OK van Batenburg.
發起這項傳統的人是81歲的van Batenburg。
After many years of organizing and participating in the diving event, people are now calling Batenburg the “diving master”.
經過多年籌劃和參與跳水活動,人們現在稱 Batenburg為“跳水師傅”。
Some people participated just for fun.[Participant]: “We want to have fun with all of us, and we are going to swim in the sea today.”
So when everyone was ready, the diving began, and despite the cold, many people enjoyed dipping into the sea.
[South African Participant]:
“We are enjoying the cold weather, and it is really beautiful!”
[South African Participant]南非參與者說:
“We just wish for the whole world, peace and prosperity for 2011. And all the best everybody around the world, from China to Africa, and all the countries in the world, greetings from Europe!”
[South Africa Participant]南非參加者說:
“我們希望全世界,2011年和平與繁榮。 最棒的祝福給世上每個人,從中國到非洲和世上所有國家,來自歐洲的祝賀!“
The participants make their wishes to the world.
And so for the event participants, here begins a uniquely refreshing New Year. NTD News, The Hague, Holland.
本專欄由前衛英語David Lee主編 www.davidlee.url.tw
Some people participated just for fun.
The participants make their wishes to the world.
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