中共官方喉舌《新華網》於2月12號下午 5點半突發短訊,經中央紀委證實,鐵道部黨組書記、部長劉志軍「涉嫌嚴重違紀」,目前正接受調查。據了解,劉志軍手下的多名得力幹將、局長級官員也被捲入,目前也在接受調查,事件可能引發鐵道部內的一次大震動。
劉志軍擔任鐵道部長8年,問題種種,他的胞弟劉志祥涉貪四千多萬及買兇殺人、春運一票難求問題一直沒有解決、雪災癱瘓鐵路、山東膠濟鐵路列車相撞。而近兩年中國高鐵建設大躍進,劉志軍又變成了「大功臣」。但民間對高鐵盲目發展和高鐵票價貴廣泛質疑,“和諧號”被廣大車迷稱為“喝血號”,它的英文標示CRH(China Railway High-speed)又被詮釋為“恥辱號”(Chi Ru Hao)。然而劉志軍沒有因過錯下臺,反而在風光時「落馬」,落馬之急猶如高鐵速度一般。
Downfalls of Ministry of Railways Officials
In the high-speed railway construction in recent years,
Minister of Railways Liu Zhijun made a big sensation.
He became the 1st sacked minister-level official
in 2011.
Liu is alleged to have a serious violation of discipline.
He lost his post as Minister of Railways.
The official release of the news was very sudden.
Sources said that such a rapid disposal was evidence
that it was finalized by Party』s senior level.
CCP』s official mouthpiece Xinhua News net suddenly
published a short article at 5:30 p.m. on Feb. 12.
CCP』s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
said Liu is "suspected of serious discipline violation."
He is currently under investigation, along with many
of his subordinates and bureau directors.
This can trigger a major earthquake within the ministry.
The official report didn』t disclose the details.
According to some media reports,
Liu has taken bribes of several billion yuan.
He is suspected to be in connection with an earlier
corruption case of a high-speed rail contracting project,
as well as a number of scandals involving
many listed companies in Shanghai and Hong Kong.
China』s news network Caing.com reported,
before Liu was sacked, there were signs.
Ding Shumiao, a female entrepreneur in Shanxi,
was arrested last month for her railway investments.
Liu is directly connected to Ding』s case.
Ding was very close to the Ministry of Railway.
She is rumored to be in a dubious relationship with
Liu』s go-getter, a bureau director in the Ministry.
The most impressive is that Ding was capable of
getting freight trains even during busy seasons.
She used on average 500 freight trains per year.
Ding is seen to have vested interest in high-speed
railways in China. Chinese media estimated,
Ding obtained contracts worth nearly four billion yuan
from the Ministry of Railways.
About Liu』s downfall, some netizens don』t rule out
its connection with the HR plans of the Party』s
18th congress. It is believed that,
with only a junior high diploma, Liu was hand-picked
by ex-CCP President Jiang Zemin.
When Jiang was still in power, Liu accompanied him
on inspective tours and greatly flattered Jiang.
Therefore, he could climb up easily and quickly.
Some politicians told Mirror Monthly magazine,
Liu』s downfall is bound to affect the CCP』s
personnel arrangement on its 18th congress.
Currently, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao
both focus on this conference.
Whether it was Hu or premier Wen Jiabao who
finalized the decision to sack Liu, it is not clear.
However, it seems that Liu』s case is quite serious.
Exiled media professional Su Yutong believes,
Liu』s case is thrown out by CCP "to obviously
try to shift the public attention (away from Egypt).”
Served as the Minister of Railways for 8 years,
Liu faced many problems: his brother Liu Zhixiang
involving in cases of corruption and murder;
the holiday season transportation congestion;
the snowstorm paralyzing the railway systems;
and the railway collision in Jinan, Shandong.
In recent years, the “Great Leap Forward”
of high-speed railway construction has made Liu
a "great hero."
However, people question the blind development
and its high fares.
CRH (China Railway High-speed) was called
“blood drinking" by passengers.
Sacked while he was on top of a roller coaster,
Liu』s downfall is “high-speed,” too.
Many Chinese netizens expressed great consent
about Liu』s downfall, saying
"the railway system is corrupt.
Today we celebrate with fireworks!"
NTD reporters Wang Ziqi and Zhou Tian


【禁聞】埃及革命成功 胡錦濤想甚麼?

【禁聞】傳統媒體被控 網民闢信息新渠道

【禁言博客】: 上海首次規定土地出讓期滿後無償收回



【禁聞】旱情危及小麥產量 中國通脹壓力大

【禁聞】埃及軍方中立 啟示中國軍人選擇

【禁聞】中國糧價飆 中共“維穩”難

【禁聞】信息關不住 茉莉花獻埃及


【禁聞】陳光誠為自由搏鬥 各界關注


【禁聞】陳光誠為自由搏鬥 各界關注

【禁聞】追討穆巴拉克家族資產 瑞銀率先
