杭州律師王成、北京學者張輝和湖南維權人士肖勇等人,公開要求「廢除勞教的公民權力」。自去年8月3號,勞動教養實施 53週年之際發起的聯署書,截止到今年2月15號,已經達到了1003人簽名支持。
據《中國司法部網站》提供,勞動教養從 1957年實施開始,到2008年底,總共成立了350個勞動改造教養管理所,被勞教人員有16萬人。據統計,50多年來,先後多達400萬人左右,接受過勞動教養。
撤銷勞教的「主張書」認為,勞教規定屬於行政法規,不是法律,違反立法,應該立即廢除。 其中還提到,現行的勞教規定,不經司法程序審判,僅由勞教委員會審查決定,就可限制公民人身自由長達3年,還可延長為4年,明顯違憲,應該歸於無效。
河南維權人士程建萍,去年10月,因為在推特上轉發了一個讓「憤青」砸上海世博日本館的推文,先是被拘留了5天,之後又被河南新鄉警方勞教 1年。程建萍的未婚夫華春輝表示,程建萍所遭受的,明顯是「一事二罰」。
Thousand Jointly Call for Abolishment of CCP』s "Reeducation through Labor"
Some Chinese scholars, lawyers and rights activists
initiated a campaign to abolish the system of
“reeducation through labor.”
So far, a thousand have signed the petition, which
will be sent to National People』s Congress Committee,
before CCP』s 2 upcoming congresses in March,
to express the requests from the citizens.
Hangzhou Attorney Wang Cheng,
Beijing scholar Zhang Hui,
and Hunan activist Xiao Yong openly asserted
citizen rights to abolish “reeducation through labor.”
Aug. 3, 2010 was the 53rd anniversary of the system.
On that day, they started the petition campaign.
As of Feb. 15, 2011, 1,003 people have signed.
According to China』s Justice Department website,
the “labor camp” was implemented in 1957.
By the end of 2008, 350 labor camps had been set up.
160,000 people were inmates in those camps.
In more than 5 decades, as many as 4 million people
have been reeducated through labor.
The petition states that reeducation through labor
is an administrative regulation. It is not the law.
As it violates the constitution, it should be abolished.
The existing reeducation regulation allows
detentions for up to 3 years, without being tried.
The detentions can also be extended to 4 years.
This clearly violates the constitution.
According to Falun Dafa practitioners』 Minghui Archive,
since 1999, the Chinese regime has been imprisoning
hundreds of thousands of practitioners in labor camps,
referred to as "evil concentration camps."
Minghui』s data released on Feb. 16 show,
in 2010, 557 practitioners were illegally sentenced.
Last October, Henan rights activist Cheng Jianping
blogged to encourage smashing
the Japanese Pavilion on Shanghai World Expo.
She was first detained for 5 days.
Then, she was put to labor camp for a year.
Cheng』s fiancé Hua Chunhui said,
Cheng was punished twice for the same issue.
Hua and other advocates to abolish the system
will send the petition with a thousand signatures to
the National People』s Congress Standing Committee,
calling for an end to the police abuse of the system
and the illegal infringement of civil liberties.
Voice of America』s Chinese website commented,
China's labor camp is not a criminal punishment,
but administrative measures to forcefully “reeducate.”
WikiLeaks』 released cables revealed that
"China』s authorities set and violate their constitution.
They violate their own laws.
This is the continuation of a typical feudal despotism.
It is the rule by the powerful. ”
NTD reporters Tang Yan and Xue Li

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