新唐人記者 宋風 蕭宇 綜合報導
VOA Slammed for Its Decision to Sign off Broadcasts to China
U.S. government-owned Voice of America (VOA),
once regarded by Beijing as an enemy radio station,
plans to sign off its broadcasts to China in Oct. 2011.
Chinese dissidents and some U.S. congressmen criticize
such a decision as showing weakness to the CCP,
and request the U.S. Congress to veto the decision.
On Oct. 1, 2011, VOA will completely sign off
its short- and medium-wave radio broadcasts
and satellite TV programs to China.
As the world』s most populous country,
China also ranks high on information censorship.
The cancelation of VOA Chinese programs
ahead of programs in other languages has surprised
many VOA employees and other media professionals.
This unexecuted plan has caused a stir in the congress.
Rep. David Wu, Oregon Democrat, said to VOA,
he opposes any cuts to its Chinese broadcasts.
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, California Republican, also
opposes to this plan, saying to Washington Times,
“This is another alarming sign that America is
cowering before China『s gangster regime.”
Rep. Rohrabacher emphasized:
The Chinese people are our greatest allies, and
the free flow of information is our greatest weapon.
He said, this was cowering to China
and gives out an absolutely wrong signal.
An Obama administration official familiar with VOA
said, the cuts are due to CCP』s refusal to continue
assisting VOA with its FM and AM services in China.
The State Department didn』t want to pressure Beijing,
in fear of retaliation.
Taiwan news analysts said, in recent years,
Chinese regime spent $7 billion on launching
propaganda offensive to the West.
Its official programs can be seen in many countries.
As a main publicity organ of the U.S. government,
VOA now voluntarily cancels its broadcasts to China.
It shows the balance of power has been broken
between CCP』s and western media.
Dr. Yang Jianli, a well-known Chinese dissident said,
VOA』s cancellation of its Chinese broadcasts
would be a serious blow to China』s progress,
especially to Chinese democracy and human rights.
Yang: For a long time, a large number of Chinese
resorted to VOA for the information they need.
Many of its commentaries, forums, and interviews
have helped Chinese to understand the information.
The U.S.-based China Democratic Party Committee
wrote an open letter on Feb. 17 to urge
the U.S. government and people to stop signing off
VOA』s broadcasts to China.
It said, in the past, VOA played an irreplaceable role
in China』s freedom and democracy process.
It will continue to play such an irreplaceable role
for China』s future transition to democracy.
NTD reporters Song Feng and Xiao Yu

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