埃及總統穆巴拉克下臺後,埃及逐漸走向民主化進程。埃及軍方不僅宣佈解散議會修改憲法,並將在6個月後舉行總統和議會選舉。埃及總理沙菲克(Ahmed Shafiq)20號則表示,埃及還將釋放200多名政治犯。
How Egyptians Wisely Used the Protest Guides to Triumph in the Democratic Movement
Egyptian people overthrew the despotic government
and succeeded in the democratic movement in 18 days,
which has shocked the world.
How did Egyptians secure the victory?
The Egyptian Protest Guide recently exposed
allows us to see how they used their wisdom
in the protests.
Recently, a series of Egyptian protest guides has been
put online. It is said that prior to demonstrations,
advocates of the Egyptian democratic movement
had already prepared the protest guides for people,
detailing the strategic plan.
Let』s look at one of the instructions:
How to Protest Intelligently.
There was updated Information in it:
Twitter and Facebook were monitored.
In another one: the Demands of the Egyptian People,
it clearly stated the downfall of Mubarak regime,
cessation of Emergency Law, freedom and justice.
In the “Strategic Goals of Civil Disobedience,”
it states to take over important government buildings,
to win over police and army to the side of people, and
to protect our brothers and sisters in revolution.
The guides also gave steps to carry out the plan,
necessary clothing, accessories and their use,
and how to print and distribute important information.
Today』s Tahrir Square in Cairo is similar to 1989』s
Tiananmen Square in Beijing.
Why did Tiananmen democratic movement fail?
Is it because Chinese are not as intelligent
as Egyptian people?
Feng Congde, ex-student leader in 1989 said,
unlike Egyptian democratic movement that
clearly required the downfall of Mubarak,
Chinese movement only requested “reform” and
“safeguarding the rights.”
Feng: You did not go in that direction,
so you wouldn』t get there.
Take for example the Qian Yunhui incident,
If people, instead of protecting their rights,
demand a change of government,
Qian』s case could be fuse for explosion.
Chinese commentator Lan Shu said,
Egyptian revolution is a movement without leadership,
but with a clear goal.
Lan Shu: If the Egyptians asked what would
the country be if Mubarak government fell?
Is there anybody to take care of us?
Would the country be in turmoil?
Then, Mubarak would still be in power.
Lan Shu said, Chinese democratic movement is
hindered by the thinking that the conditions for
democracy are immature in China and
without the CCP, China would be in turmoil.
He said, in any country, there is no such an issue as
condition maturity to promote democracy.
To promote democracy is unconditioned.
Before Egyptians launched the revolution,
they did not think what the country would be
if Mubarak fell.
They only needed to think how to obtain their rights
that were deprived by Mubarak.
Doing so, the Egyptians have succeeded.
After Mubarak』s downfall,
Egypt progresses towards democracy.
Egyptian military dissolved the parliament, began to
revise the Constitution, and scheduled the elections
in June.
Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq also announced
on Feb. 20 to release over 200 political prisoners.
NTD reporters Li Jing and Xiao Yan


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