王維洛: “中國最危險的就是最小的微粒是從汽車排氣孔裡排出來的,你吸到肺裡面去以後或者你在喉管裡面,特別容易生肺癌和喉癌。中國這個微粒(檢測)
據了解,美國使館的檢測數據採用美國環保署的標準,也就是,監測直徑小於 2.5微米的懸浮顆粒數量,而北京市環保局的監測對像為10微米以下的顆粒物。2010年11月,美國大使館曾用「瘋狂得糟糕」來形容北京的空氣污染程度,後來因「用詞不當」而刪除。
新唐人記者 趙心知 周平 採訪報導
Heavy smog and fog shrouded Beijing last week.
Chinese media reports were quite different from
people』s feedback and foreign embassy reports.
So, are there secrets in the official air quality inspection?
Let』s hear what the experts have to say.
Heavy smog and fog have made Beijing』s air quality
poor and “hazardously” polluted.
On Feb. 21, the released air pollution index was 333.
Media reported that the visibility on the road was 1 km.
The overall air quality was level 5, “hazardous”.
The air quality examination by U.S. embassy in Beijing
showed the pollution index surpassing the max value 500.
Beijing residents also said the visibility on Feb. 21 was
slightly over 10 meters.
Beijing resident Ms. Zhang:
Beijing is filled with smog these days.
For several days, you couldn』t see things 10 meters away.
It』s all foggy. If they measured accurately,
it should be 400 to 500.”
The Feb 23 issue of Global Times reported, on Feb. 21,
due to the heavy fog, Beijing』s air pollution was Level 5
“Hazardous”. It was the 1st severely polluted day in 2011.
According to Radio France Internationale,
the U.S. embassy assessment found that the pollution level
was “beyond index” (i.e. below worse measurable rating).
The number of lung and throat cancer patients
has been increasing in China in recent years.
Lung cancer is the No. 1 cancer in China,
plaguing a third of all cancer patients in China.
Germany-based hydraulic engineer Wang Weiluo said,
when assessing the air quality,
the authorities don』t conform to international norms,
especially in measuring hazardous particles.
Wang: The most harmful particles are from vehicles.
They are likely to cause lung and throat cancers.
China does not monitor such particles.
People are unaware of their harmfulness.
The government does not reveal relevant information.
The U.S. embassy assesses by using the standards of
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
to monitor particles smaller than 2.5 micron,
while Beijing monitors those smaller than 10 micron.
In Nov 2010, it called Beijing』s air quality “crazy bad”.
They later deleted the word for “incorrect” usage.
Global Times reported that since the start of 2008,
the U.S. Embassy has been building an air quality
assessment facility on its buildings.
It provides hourly updates on pollution on Twitter,
which is usually different from China』s official data.
NTD reporters Zhao Xinzhi and Zhou Ping

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