Low Poverty Line Makes Hundreds of Millions “Not Poor”
The State Council』s Poverty Alleviation Office
repeatedly said publicly that closely behind India,
China has the 2nd largest poverty-stricken population.
National Committee member Shen Wen proposed
to raise the existing poverty line to above 2,400 yuan.
There is little investment in poverty alleviation projects.
Hundreds of millions are artificially “lifted from poverty”.
Is the authorities』 insistence on a low poverty line
to highlight their achievements or
to cover up the poverty quagmire?
Poverty line is designed to identify the needy groups.
The state should then provide them relief assistance.
The availability of government resources doesn』t
affect the level of the poverty line.
Raising the poverty line would put more people
back to the category of poverty-stricken.
It would be more demanding for the government
to alleviate poverty.
U.S.-based Chinese economist He Qinglian said,
according to World Bank standard set for China,
which is per capita daily consumption below 1 USD,
the poverty-stricken population in China is 350 million.
If we use the World Bank standard for other countries,
that population in China would be 700 million.
He: First of all, the poverty line is set too low.
China's existing standard is 1,192 yuan a year.
That is about 100 yuan a month. This year,
a CPPCC member proposed to increase it to
2,420 yuan, which is still not enough to live on,
because the inflation in China is so severe!
A daily consumption per capita of 1 USD translates
into 5.8 or 6 yuan per day. This is far from enough!
Nowadays, poverty is not just "not having enough
to eat". It relates to clothing, shelter, education
and health. In the U.S., the poor can still afford food,
schooling, medical care and housing.
China's poor can “only eat".
Upon learning that the Governor was coming to visit,
According to Guangming.com,
commentator Zhang Limei said,
the current poverty line is suitable.
As budget deficits at all levels of government are large,
the existing financial resources can only support
50 million people in "absolute poverty".
China simply cannot afford the financial resources
to alleviate over 100 million people out of poverty.
163.com reported, according to a 2010 report by
International Poverty Reduction Center in China,
out of the 86 countries that self-define poverty lines,
China is the country with the least poverty occurrence.
State Council Poverty Alleviation Office announced,
according to international poverty standards,
China has the 2nd largest poverty-stricken population.
163.com analyzed that China』s official poverty line
has always been just about "long-term poverty targets".
In the name of "national conditions",
a large population of poor people is excluded.
A jingle has been spreading on HKReporter.com:
Being hungry but not starved to death
is the poverty line. Being able to eat one』s fill
is the basic subsistence line.
Being able to eat well is the relative well-off line.
Being able to eat well till one』s full
is the prosperity line.
Perhaps Chinese people have a full taste of
what It means.
NTD reporter Li Ting and Xue Li

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