Kindergartens in China: Two Different Worlds
A newly opened “luxury kindergarten” in Changsha,
Hunan, features full English-medium curriculum,
as well as equestrian and golf courses;
while investigation shows more than half of
kindergartens in rural areas of Jiangxi province
do not qualify for school certifications.
The lack of government funding and regulations
caused such chaotic situation in pre-school education.
According to Xiaoxiang Morning News,
this luxury kindergarten, funded by a Kong Hong
financial group, offers English immersion,
as well as riding and golf courses, with 70% of its faculty
coming from the U.S., UK and UAE.
Even Filipino maids are hired for daily services.
The schools have received over 20 applications
from extremely wealthy families.
The kindergarten charges 6000 Yuan RMB per month
in tuition, over 7000 if boarding is included.
One has to pay for half a year first,
which is around 29,000 Yuan RMB.
A report in Jiangnan Urban News reveals that
53.6% local rural kindergartens do not quality
for school certifications.
Some of these kindergartens are hosted in people』s
backyards, and most teachers are uncertified.
Investigation in Nanchang, Jiangxi, shows that
urban kindergartens are severely underfunded.
Due to the lack of public pre-school resources,
only 6.67% children can attend kindergartens.
A Mr. Wang told reporters that he had to “donate”
7000 RMB last year to send his daughter to
a well-known kindergarten. According to him,
children of the employees at the kindergarten
can attend school for free; while “outsiders”
have to pay “donations”, which was 3900 in 2006,
4200 in 2007, and 7000 in 2010.
Jiangsu newspaper Modern Express said,
the lack of public pre-schools has become
a big problem in China.
Statistics show that in Nanjing, only 89 of 501 local
kindergartens are part of the public school system.
The so-called 4 famous public kindergartens in Nanjing
are extremely selective. For example,
a kindergarten received 800 “back-door applications”
for 80 openings. It is said that the final admission
was decided by the government officials
As to privileged private kindergartens,
most families cannot afford the cost.
NTD reporter Zeng Yaoxian





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