1989年「六四」期間,被稱爲「天安門三君子」的3 名湖南人,向北京天安門城樓上的毛澤東畫像潑墨和扔雞蛋,事後他們分別被判刑16年甚至終身監禁。
Most Powerful Demolition: Mao』s Statue Split into 5 Pieces
Recently, a 10-meter Mao Zedong statue in Hainan
was demolished and smashed into 5 pieces.
The photos of the destroyed statue are circulated
online, causing heated discussions and debates.
Some netizens applauded, saying this should have
happened earlier.
Let』s take a look at the report.
Apply Daily reported, the giant white marble statue
was located in Longrou Town, Wenchang City, Hainan.
The 9.9 m statue was erected by the sea
on Oct. 1, 2008.
This statue was demolished on Feb. 19, 2011,
allegedly by a local real estate developer.
The photos of the smashed statue were posted online,
which showed its disfigured nose and forehead.
The CCP-hired “50 cent Party” were quite nervous,
vowing to punish the demolishers.
Some netizens pointed out, the problem is that
there are still people making Mao statue in 21st century.
That』s something to be punished.
Wang Chuanzhong, activist in China:
Under the 20-year rule of Mao, from 1949 to 1976,
China experienced an unprecedented catastrophe.
Netizens said, like Saddam』s statues in Iraq,
Mao』s statue at Tiananmen is the next to be destroyed.
Wang Chuanzhong specifically mentioned
Mao』s memorial hall on Tiananmen Square.
He said, a report published 10 years ago revealed
the daily cost to preserve Mao』s body was 20,000 yuan.
It is a complete waste.
Wang: “If the CCP continues to put Mao』s corpse there,
the Chinese will throw it away after toppling CCP,
just like what happened in the former USSR.
In late 2010, a Lenin』s statue in Russia was blasted.
By then, Chinese netizens quipped the incident
as a demolition by Russian real estate developers.
A few months later, it became true in China.
Netizens “praised” the developer for doing good
by creating “the most powerful demolition in history”.
The CCP-instilled things in people』s mind
should have long been “demolished” long ago.
Around the time of Tiananmen Massacre in 1989,
the well-known “3 Tiananmen Heroes”
poured ink and threw eggs at Mao』s portrait.
Later, they were sentenced to 16 years or life in prison.
In May 2007, Mr. Gu Haiou from Xinjiang Province
threw combustibles at Mao』s portrait,
burning its corner.
In April 2010, Mao』s portrait on Tiananmen Square
was once again smeared by ink.
NTD reporters Chang Chun ,Li Qian and Li Anan




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