程曉農:“中共到2010年中央和地方政府的債務總額大概是超過15萬億,是財政收入的百分之一百八十三,這個數字實際上是遠遠低估的,根據中共已經在2009年前所作的初步的調查,地方政府欠的債當中,65%是地方政府必須直接償還的,12%是地方政府擔保的,就是說他負有擔保責任,還有24%是屬於政府兜底的, 實際上不論是地方政府直接償還、擔保、還是兜底,都說明所有債務其實都是政府債務。”
程曉農:“因為中國的地方政府是不允許直接借債的, 到現在為止中共的預算法還沒有修改, 地方政府現在不能借債, 而地方政府又欠十幾萬億的債, 他的償還責任自然就是中共中央政府的財政部 , 所以財政部為了減少自己的責任, 他現在宣稱這些債務的大部分不屬於政府債, 而是公司債, 也就是說他在玩弄概念遊戲。”
程曉農:“中共現在實際上是很多地方政府大舉借債, 但並沒有償債能力, 很多地方政府要不就是賴帳, 要不然就是借新債還舊債, 在目前這種情況下, 如果賴帳,就會導致銀行借給地方政府的十幾萬億變成完全的壞帳, 也就是說老百姓存在銀行的十幾萬億存款將泡湯 “
China's Debt Underestimated
Latest official data shows China's debt to be 17%
of GDP. Some scholars say the officially announced
debt figure is far below the actual debt figure.
Combing the liabilities of local governments and
state-owned banks, China』s debt burden should be
more than four times than the current figure.
According to the Chinese Ministry of Finance's
report, in Dec 2010, the central government』s debt
was USD 1.03 trillion, equivalent to 17% of China』s
GDP. It is much lower than the ratio of debt to GDP
in the U.S., Japan and major European countries.
However, this figure doesn』t include the liabilities
of many large state-owned firms, local governments
and many central government ministries.
Standard Chartered economist Stephen Green
estimates that by accounting for contingent liabilities,
the debt ratio would reach 77%,
4 times China's officially released figure.
The U.S.-based magazine Modern China Studies』
editor-in-chief, Cheng Xiaonong, said that theofficial debt figure announced by the central
government is far below the actual figure.
Cheng: In 2010, the combined debt of
the central and local governments was over
$15 trillion, which was 183% of the fiscal revenue.
This figure is actually quite underestimated.
According to an official preliminary investigation
prior to 2009, 65% of the local governments debts
must be repaid directly by the local governments,
12% was guaranteed by the local governments,
and 24% would be undertaken by the government.
Regardless of the form,
all debts are government debts.
In addition to China's officially announced debts,
as of the end of 2010, out of the bonds issued by
China Development Bank and other policy banks,
the "outstanding debt" amounted to USD 785 billion.
Cheng said, "local financing platforms" exist in China.
These are shell companies that borrow bank loans
or issue bonds on behalf of their local governments,
for the purpose of hiding government debts.
Cheng: Chinese local governments are not allowed
to borrow directly. As China』s current budget law is
still in effect, and local governments have
dozens of trillions of debts, the debt repayment
obligation falls on the Finance Ministry.
In order to reduce its own liabilities, the Ministry now
claims most of these debts to be corporate debts.
That is, they are playing concept games.
Due to the invisibility of local governments』 hidden
debts, the specific data is not disclosed,
but the central authorities have started an audit.
A conservative estimate of total debts raised in 2010
is over USD 1.52 trillion,
exceeding a debt ratio of 150%.
Cheng said, the audit is being carried out, because
CCP』s Central Committee doesn』t know
the real figure. It』s quite possible that
the people will pay the bills.
Cheng: Many local governments raise huge debts,
but they are insolvent. Many local governments bilk.
Others repay old loans by incurring new debts.
Under these circumstances, if the governments bilk,
all of their bank loans will turn completely bad.
That means, over a dozen trillion USDs worth of
people』s deposits in the banks will evaporate.
Statistics show that 54% of the loan terms
by local financing platforms are over 5 years.
2011 to 2013 is a period of concentrated due dates
for loans borrowed by financing platforms.
Finance Ministry』s Research Institute of
Fiscal Science pointed out that some local
financing platforms have debt ratios of up to 94%;
some areas on Hainan Island even reached 300%,
exceeding the 80-120% international risk warning
level. Analysts believe that the lack of transparency
and legal regulations will allow the local
governments』 debt crisis to break out in the next
2 to 3 years.
NTD reporter Lin Ping and Wang Mingyu


【禁聞】52週年抗暴紀念 藏人堅守文化信仰




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