Tibetans』 Uprising: 52 Years Later
What do Tibetans want? Why does the CCP suppress
them? At the 52nd anniversary of the Tibetan
people』s uprising on March 10, there are protests
at Chinese embassies and consulates in cities around
the world. The Dalai Lama also resigned his
leadership position of the Tibetan Parliament-in-
exile on the same day. This has attracted
worldwide attention.
The Tibetans have been Buddhists for over a millennium.
Historically, Tibet has been an independent country,
with close a relationship with the Han dynasties.
During Taizong Emperor of Tang Dynasty』s reign,
Princess Wen Cheng married King Songtsan Gambo.
The 7th Dalai Lama made the largest single-wood
statue of Buddha Maitreya, dedicating it to
Emperor Qianlong. The statue is still stored in
Yonghe Temple in Beijing.
In early the 1950s, the CCP』s armies entered Tibet,
initially promising to maintain Tibet』s political system,
The Dalai Lama and Panchen Lama's status,
and to allow Tibetans to continue their Buddhist faith.
The CCP soon started controlling Tibetans by beatings,
starvation and raping wives in front of their husbands.
They also forced monks and nuns to have intercourse
before executing them for refusing to give up their faith.
These atrocities infuriated the Tibetan people.
In 1959, on March 10, 300,000 Tibetans started
an uprising. They were brutally suppressed by the
CCP』s army. According to the Tibetan Parliament-
in-exile and files from China, more than 8,600
Tibetans were killed. In 1989 and 2008, large-scale
revolts broke out in Tibet, but both were violently
suppressed by CCP』s military. Tibetans have been
fleeing China via Nepal and India. Western mountain
climbers videotaped the shootings of fleeing Tibetans,
including teenagers, by CCP soldiers. According to
WikiLeaks, the CCP pays Nepalese officers
at the border to catch and send Tibetans back to China.
Historian Yuan Hongbing:
“The CCP』s principal means of maintaining control is
state terrorism, through violence, lies and material
benefits. The CCP uses the three methods
alternatively in Tibet. Now they rely more and more
on state violence.”
On March 10, in New York, San Francisco, New Dehli,
Brandenburger, Paris, and many other cities,
Tibetans, Chinese and westerners held protests.
Some municipal and township governments
even raised the flat of Tibet to show their support.
The Dalai Lama also resigned from his position
as the political leader of the Tibetan Parliament-
in-exile. The Daily Mirror commented that it hopes
the Tibetans will run their own government via
democratic elections. They don』t want his resigning
to leave a power vacuum which will benefit the CCP.
Tibetan Parliament-in-exile China Affairs Director,
Dawa Tsering, believes the CCP』s suppression of
Tibetans is an attempt to eradicate the Tibetan culture
and belief.
Tsering: “It』s not a political issue or unification issue.
It is the eradication of a culture and a religion,
because they are not compatible with CCP』s atheism.”
The Tibetan Center for Human Rights and
Democracy released a 2010 Tibetan Human Rights
report in Jan. 2011. 188 Tibetans were arrested in
2010 for political reasons, and 800 Tibetans are in
detention today.
NTD Reporters Zhao Xinzhi and Zhou Tian.




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