Massive 8.9 Earthquake & Tsunami Hit Japan
By Jessie Chen, David Lee
1. massive: adj. [ˋmæsɪv]大規模的
2. tsunami: n. [tsuˋnɑmi]海嘯
3. trigger: v. [ˋtrɪgɚ]引起
4. path: n. [pæθ]途徑、路線
5. verify: v. [ˋvɛrə͵faɪ]證實
6. extent: n. [ɪkˋstɛnt]程度
7. suggest: v. [səˋdʒɛst]暗示
8. devastating: adj. [ˋdɛvəs͵tetɪŋ]毀滅性的
9. collapse: v. [kəˋlæps]倒塌
10. necessity: n. [nəˋsɛsətɪ]必需品
11. tremor: n. [ˋtrɛmɚ]震動
12. evacuate: v. [ɪˋvækjʊ͵et]撤離
The biggest earthquake to hit Japan since records began 140 years ago struck the northeast coast on Friday at 2:46 p.m. local time, triggering a 32 foot tsunami that swept away everything in its path, including houses, ships, cars and farm buildings on fire.
[Naoto Kan, Japanese Prime Minister]:
"To all the people of Japan, as you have seen on TV and heard on the radio, today at 14:46 there was a massive earthquake that hit with a magnitude of 8.2."
The quake was later verified to have a magnitude of 8.9 by the U.S. Geological Survey. It caused many injuries, sparked fires and the wall of water, prompting warnings to people to move to higher ground in coastal areas.
At least 22 people have been killed in the quake and tsunami, according to the Kyodo news agency. The extent of the destruction, and the forecast for the tsunami, suggested the death toll could rise significantly.
根據日本共同社消息,至少22人因地震和海嘯死亡。 破壞的程度,及對海嘯的預測,暗示死亡人數可能大幅攀升。
[Yukio Edano, Chief Cabinet Secretary of Japan]:
"I wanted to tell you that currently, we are assuming that there is devastating damage, and the government is doing all we can to rescue and to prevent further damage."
Around 4.4 million homes are without power in northern Japan. A hotel collapsed in the city of Sendai and people were feared buried in the rubble.
Damages to buildings in Fukushima can be seen everywhere. Residents in shock were rushing to nearby convenience stores to purchase necessities.
Prime Minister Naoto Kan and members of Parliament felt the tremors during a Parliament session in Tokyo.
Kan stayed seated during the quake as some members of Parliament rushed next to him.
He was evacuated soon after the quake stopped.
Japan's northeast Pacific coast, called Sanriku, has suffered from quakes and tsunamis in the past and a 7.2 quake struck on Wednesday. In 1933, a magnitude 8.1 quake in the area killed more than 3,000 people.
日本東北太平洋海岸,被稱為三陸,過去一直遭受地震和海嘯之苦,週三才發生7.2級地震。1933年,該區發生8.1級地震,超過 3000人死亡。
本專欄由前衛英語李德良老師主編 www.davidlee.url.tw
The biggest earthquake to hit Japan since records began 140 years ago struck the northeast coast, triggering a 32 foot tsunami
Residents in shock were rushing to nearby convenience stores to purchase necessities.
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