新唐人記者趙心知 、李璐綜合報導。
Google Won』t Bow to CCP
Recently in a statement, Google accused China
of blocking Gmail email service in China, preventing
users from logging in. Although China denies this,
Google has invested USD1 million in new software
development to detect internet censorship issues.
Facing authorities』 denial of interfering with Gmail,
Google invested USD 1 million to develop new
software to detect network control and censorship.
Li Wenke, professor in Computer Science at
Georgia Institute of Technology, and a participant in
the software development, said, if the internet is shut
down by a dictatorship, with netizens』 participation,
this software will inform people instantly when a
government or service provider starts to block traffic
and censors search results. Experts expect it will
identify the reasons behind Gmail』s login problems.
Ma Xiaoming, ex-editor at Shan』xi TV:
“I support and respect Google』s standpoint on
the Chinese regime』s restriction of speech freedom.
It is not afraid of China. Google』s demands aren』t
unreasonable, nor do they violate any rights.”
Many Chinese netizens appreciate Google』s action.
Others say that this technology can only detect
authorities』 internet access』 blocking and cannot
help netizens overcome this blocking.
Upon learning that the Governor was coming to visit,
Bill Xia, president of the U.S.-based DynaWeb,
said their software enables users to circumvent
internet censorship and keep their emails secure.
Bill Xia: "Our Freegate software series have a new
upgraded version, with enhanced anti-blocking
capability. The more people use this software,
the more secure they are surfing on the internet."
Google was attacked by the Chinese regime before.
Google claimed being attacked by Chinese hackers,
in early 2010. Later, because of its dissatisfaction
with the Chinese government』s censorship system,
it withdrew from the Chinese market.
According to WikiLeaks, Chinese Politburo member,
Li Changchun, responsible for CCP』s propaganda,
ordered the Google attacks, which were coordinated
through China』s State Council』s Information Office.
Over the years, the regime』s censorship has blocked
many world famous social websites like Facebook,
Twitter and Youtube, which played a crucial role
in overthrowing the tyranny in North Africa and
the Middle East. Google launched Voice Twitter,
which helped civilians break through
the info blockade to disseminate it worldwide.
At the same time, the Chinese regime tightened
it』s censorship in fear of the Jasmine Revolutions.
NTD reporters Zhao Xinzhi and Li Lu.



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