國際大赦組織亞太地區負責人巴伯爾 (Catherine Barber)強調,單單因為寫文章就獲刑10年,這種刑罰是對公正的諷刺。
陳明先:「昨天那個過程很明顯就是不允許劉賢斌說話﹔ 不允許我的律師為劉賢斌做充分的辯護。劉賢斌無奈之下就非常氣憤﹔就只說了兩句話『我無罪,我抗議』﹔實際上是需要我們到場,然後配合他們把戲演完﹔整個這個過程實際上不叫審,叫『走過場』。」
Free Speech Intolerance
Liu Xianbin, a rights activist who wrote to criticize
the shoddy constructions in the Sichuan earthquake,
was recently sentenced to 10 years in prison
by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
for the so-called “inciting subversion of state power”.
This aroused strong condemnation from both home
and abroad, and a global call for the immediate
release of Liu. Media commented that this showed
the CCP』s intolerance to freedom of expression.
Catherine Barber, Amnesty International』s
Deputy Director for the Asia-Pacific said:
“Ten years imprisonment for writing articles
is an appalling sentence, and a travesty of justice.”
Nancy Pelosi, a senior CA congresswoman said that
this shows CCPs disregard to human rights and any
rule of law at all. She asked CCP to conform
to public opinion and respect freedom of speech.
International press freedom watchdog, Committee
to Protect Journalists. said that this incident showed
once again the CCP』s intolerance to press freedom.
Several organizations, including Hong Kong Alliance,
gathered at the Liaison Office to lodge their protests.
Patrick Poon, Executive Secretary of China Human
Rights Lawyers Concern Group: “We are indignant.
He only wrote some articles. We can』t understand
how he 『incited subversion』? It』s possible
that the CCP used this case to warn rights activists
and netizens not to participate in (Jasmine) rallies.”
Liu』s court hearing was conducted on March 25
in Suining City, Sichuan Province. Liu』s wife said that
the court convened at 9:19AM,
and the conviction was reached at 11:30AM.
During the hearing, Liu』s lawyer was rudely
interrupted by the judge several times. The judge
also confiscated the paper on which Liu wrote
his statement. The court did not allow him
to make a statement himself.
Liu』s wife: “They did not allow Liu Xianbin to say
anything, and neither for Liu』s lawyer to conduct
a thorough defense. Liu was helpless but angry.
Liu just said: 『I am not guilty; I am protesting.”
The authorities only wanted us to be present
in court so that they could go through
the formality. It was not a real court procedure.”
Liu Xianbin is one of the founders
of the Democratic Party in Sichuan, China.
In 1992, he was jailed for two and a half years
for “counterrevolutionary propaganda.”
In 1999, he was sentenced to 13 years in prison
for “inciting subversion to state power”.
After his release in 2008, he often posted online
articles on democracy and human rights.
He participated in the investigation
of shoddy constructions in the Sichuan Earthquake.
He was arrested again in June 2010.
After Liu was arrested for the third time, democratic
activists in over 16 provinces in China, and abroad,
launched a civil campaign called 』I am Liu Xianbin』.
Some rights lawyers voluntarily organized a group
to legally support Liu. On August 1 2010,
many democratic and rights activists took part in
『hunger strike to support the rescue of Liu Xianbin.』
NTD reporters Li Qian and Zhou Ping.

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