Baidu Accused of Rights Violation
Fifty Chinese writers accused search engine
Baidu of violating their copyrights. Baidu
apologized and promised to remove all
un-copyrighted works from its website. Has
this conflict been resolved, or it is just starting?
About 50 famous Chinese writers, including
Jia Ping』ao, Liu Xinwu, Han Han, Guo Jingming
and Li Chenghe, wrote a letter accusing Baidu
of copyrights violation.
Writers asked Baidu to apologize, pay their
financial losses, stop rights violation,
and remove electronic books. They asked Baidu
to follow the rights conformation procedure.
Writers』 negotiation with Baidu failed last week.
But Baidu apologized, promising to remove
un-copyrighted works within three days and
proposed to share future profits with the writers.
Zhuang Daohe, a copyrights researcher
and attorney, believes the case
of Baidu』s violation is established.
Zhuang: “Without copyrights or writers』 consent,
Baidu used their works. This offers a space
of rights violation for web users.”
The disagreement lies in financial compensation.
Writers believe Baidu affected the sales of their
works, and should compensate for it.
Baidu argues its search engine is linked
with other sites, and refuses to pay.
Zhuang: “Baidu』s apology confirms its violation,
so Baidu should pay. Baidu did not specify fees
for the search result, but the search function
helped increase its ad income.”
It』s unclear where the negotiation is going next.
Many support taking the case to the court.
Baidu』s close ties with the communist regime
worries the supporters, as the writers may lose.
Zhuang: “If everyone is equal before the law,
Baidu should take financial responsibility.
Whether Baidu can influence the fairness
of the process is another matter.”
Copyright expert Zhang Hongbo said that
Baidu』s apology is not sincere. If Baidu does
not offer sincere response in a week, more
accusations will come, and law suits may follow.
NTD reporters Qin Xue, Zhao Xinzhi and Zhou Ping

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