陳永苗:「你就可以輕易看到,官二代,富二代,軍二代以及他們的父母,實際上不把自己當作一個人,也不把弱勢者,受害者當作一個人,他沒有一個正常的人的理智理性,來交往 來形成關係。實際上他把自己當做神或當作一個特權者,然後他把民眾看作一個螻蟻,或者不值得認真對待的一群動物。他不是一個教育問題,而是一個特權意識形成的階級仇恨問題。」
An Ordinary Case in an Abnormal Society
After a university student hit a motorcyclist in 2010,
instead of taking the victim to a hospital,
he stabbed the victim to death.
He received a death penalty on April 22, 2011.
This ordinary case provoked heated debates.
Some believe this reflects that the society is abnormal.
Yao Jiaxin, a junior at Xi'an Conservatory of Music,
was sentenced to death for “intentional homicide”.
He will pay RMB 45,000 to the victim's family.
Beijing constitutional scholar Chen Yongmiao thinks
that this is a “victory for public opinions”.
Before his trial, the government's mouthpiece CCTV
and some professors had come to Yao's defense.
People felt that the law favored the privileged class.
A huge public controversy soon followed.
Pu Fei, a volunteer at China's rights org SkyNet,
believes that the verdict reflects a normal legal system,
which needs proper functioning, not victories.
Poet and scholar Ye Kuangzheng believes that
when a clear-cut case becomes a controversial topic,
it reflects an abnormal society.
People take an incident to express their suspicions
towards the legal system and the government.
Also, discussions of many serious topics are not allowed.
Ye: I'm more concerned about why a trivial thing has
turned into a controversy with continued discussions?
It is due to worsening speech control by authorities.
With a tighter control, there are fewer debatable topics.
Debates stem from the public』s suspicions of the law.
Although the verdict reflects the legal equality,
but the underlying social factors call for introspection.
Why does a college student have no moral base line?
After the accident, he didn't think of saving the victim,
but to silence the victim by killing her.
What kind of social mentality and education
has molded him to behave like that?
Chen believes, the issue has little to do with education
but due to the unique privilege consciousness
and the political system in China.
Yao's case marks the unsolvable class conflicts
and political conflicts in China.
Chen: You can easily tell that the second generations
of the officials, the rich and the military officials
don't treat the powerless or victims as people.
They have no normal rationale to bond with others.
They see themselves as almighty and privileged.
They treat the masses as ants or animals.
It is not a matter of education but class hatred
formed within the privileged minds.
On his trial held on March 23, Yao's lawyer made
a “passion killing” argument in his defense.
In an interview after the trial, the judge said,
“Passion killing is due to the victim's improper behavior
provoking the defendant to carry out the crime.
However, Yao intentionally killed the victim
to avoid legal liability. It is not passion killing.”
Yao was on his way home after visiting his girlfriend
On October 20, 2010, when he hit Zhang Miao, 26.
Yao was afraid that Zhang would remember his face
and his license plate number. So he stabbed her 8 times.
When escaping from the scene, he hit 2 more people
and was stopped by people and was arrested.
It took 6 months for the verdict to be delivered.
NTD reporters Qin Xue and Wu Huizhen。




【禁聞】華人眼中的425上訪 信仰的力量




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【禁聞】超生游擊隊 躲一子政策 居荒山12年






