伍凡:“你港口整個癱 瘓掉,你影響的不僅僅是一個港口啊,還影響到公路、鐵路、航空啊,沒有貨可以運啊,你進不來出不去啊。如果中國的所有的港口都停罷工,那中國的出口就癱掉了。”
Authorities Terrified by The Drivers' Strike
Shanghai truck drivers' strike from April 20
has not ended but spread across Ningbo and Tianjin.
Guizhou reported on internet strike news too.
It is said that strikes play an influential role
which terrifies the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
This strike was ignited by thousands of Shanghai
truck workers against the fuel price rise.
On April 24 the box collection company stopped too
and joined the strike, leaving the port semiparalysed.
Similar was the case with Tianjin and Ningbo ports.
A declaration of the strike
was published on Twitter on April 23.
Chinese Affairs editor Wu Fan said CCP fears more
workers' strike than that of students.
Wu Fan: “CCP cracks down on students by limiting
them from any outside the school activities.
But strikes are more powerful than students unrests.
In strikes, workers are able to paralyze workplaces
instantly. They are essential.”
Xinhua News Agency published a debut report
on April 22 about this strike in English.
According to VOA, Shanghai authorities spokesman
said that they were on their way to cut fees,
including “lowering standard fees
and removing non-standard fees.”
Chen (a track driver): “Those are only overheard
from the internet, with no concrete evidence.
The strike is still going on.”
This government spokesman also claimed that
all Shanghai ports are operating fine. However,
a Taiwan enterprise in Shanghai said that
unattended goods are piling up at a disordered port.
Wu Fan:“If a port gets paralyzed it will affect
all transportations like road, rail and air. And if
all China's ports are paralysed, so are the exports.”
According to Hong Kong media, warnings from
international transportation companies suggested
delays might occur due to China's strike.
Shanghai transportation' company assistant manager
said for Reuters that a ship going via Shanghai port
and heading to Hong Kong or U.S. with capacity of
5000 containers is now holding 1000-2000 containers.
Wu Fan said that such a high profile workers' strike
is the first one after the June incident in 1989.
Wu Fan: “Wow, the workers made their move. Then
maybe the farmers and the students will follow suit.
What matters now is how long the workers
can sustain this. CCP can do nothing to them,
then people will stand behind the workers,
which will make the CCP more helpless.”
In the meantime on the internet there were news
about Gui Zhou Liyang aeroengine company staff
going on a strike against unwanted reform scheme,
launched since April 15.
The staff said on internet that this reform
has brought a dramatic rise in the leaders' salaries,
but not in workers wages, which is unreasonable.
Liyang staff declared on the internet:
“Problems unsolved, work left behind!”
Zou Wei (Zhejiang rights activist): “CCP deprives
the workers from their constitutional right to strike
but in actuality more strikes are breaking out
due to the intensified social conflicts.
The political system reform is stagnated,
economic development is uneven; in this situation
outbreaks of revolution is the only logical outcome.”
The public resentment over escalating prices
is rising as China's inflation hit 5.4 percent,
reportedly the highest in the last 32 months.
NTD reporters Lijing and Xiao Yan

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