《財新網》隸屬官方《浙江日報》報業集團屬下「財新傳媒集團」。雖然近年來,民間對於毛澤東的批評審視不再是言論禁區, 但是近期,中共正試圖在建黨90年前夕重新掀起“紅歌”潮,要民眾重新“歌頌黨”,“熱愛黨”。在此時機,官方背景的媒體上,竟然刊登如此徹底否定和批判中共黨魁的文章,實在令人費解。
Beijing Scholars Disregard Mao Zedong
Renowned Beijing Scholar Mao Yushi wrote to reveal
Mao Zedong』s true face on Caing.com on Apr 26,
sparking question why China』s Communist
Party (CCP) turned a blind eye on the media censorship
on the issue of criticizing Mao.
Mao Yushi said in his article: “The picture of the bane
of the country is still hung on Tiananmen Square, still
printed on our currency, which are the most ridiculous
things that are still going on in China!
This 5,000-word article was widely spread on
the internet. Over 3000 comments were made on
Caing.com alone. The article was soon deleted.
Mao Yushi itemized Mao Zedong』s wrongs such as
the Great Leap Forward, Three Red Flags and the
Great Famine where 30 million died within 3 years;
the Culture Revolution where 50 million died;
also Mao himself enjoy prostitutes and has a strong
desire for powers, causing the country to nearly collapse.
Caing.com belongs to the Gaing Media Group,
a branch of Zhejiang Daily. Though recently in China,
criticizing Mao is not a taboo of media anymore,
the CCP launched a nationwide wave to sing the “red”
song and praise the CCP. It is thus confusing to see
such kind of article appear on the CCP』s media.
Yan Tunfu, a victim in the anti-rightist movement,
said currently in China anti-Mao』s voice were ubiquitous,
though the reason was complicated.
Yan: Some people would regard Mao as the only evil,
separating it from the CCP and underscoring the CCP.
It』s wrong. With Mao disregarded, the rest is also evil.
That kind of anti-Mao is nothing but creating a new
Theory to support the CCP』s dictatorship.
Some netizens embraced her remarks, while some
Mao Zedong supporters swore at her.
Some people questioned: why CCP lifted the taboo
of criticizing Mao Zedong, while other CCP leaders
like Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, etc. can still not be
criticized. What is the CCP worried about?
NTD Reporters Huang Lida, Shang Yan and Li Anan


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