Who Opposes Falun Gong』s Persecution?
Nearly 12 years, tens of thousands of Falun Gong
practitioners have been brutally persecuted,
which the world』s community widely condemns.
Meanwhile many top officials in the Chinese regime
also openly oppose the persecution on Falun Gong.
They feel that it is a huge disaster for the Chinese
and call for an immediate end to the persecution
as well as holding Jiang Zemin legally accountable.
According to incomplete data, 3,400 Falun Gong
practitioners were persecuted to death since 1999.
More than half of them were elderly and women.
Tens of thousands of practitioners have been treated
inhumanely, including over 40 forms of torture,
drugs destructive to the central nervous system,
alive organ harvesting, forced labor camps
and brainwashing.
Former Peking University law professor,
Yuan Hongbing pointed out that the CCP
(Chinese Communist Party) is a terrorist group,
persecuting Falun Gong practitioners
more brutally than Nazi』s persecution of Jews.
Now is the 12th anniversary of 4/25 peaceful petition.
Bao Tong, secretary of the former political secretary
Zhao Ziyang, said that Falun Gong has spread
to the whole world but is persecuted only in China.
Persecution of Falun Gong will be recorded in history
as injustice and an anti-humane act.
Bao Tong (Zhao Ziyang』s former secretary):
"I think this is totally arbitrary. Jiang Zemin』s idea
was passed through People』s Congress to deal with
by an organization. I believe this is a huge mistake.
If he thinks about it, he would also regret it.
Why not do some good deeds instead of bad?
Doesn』t the communist party already know
that it is wrong to suppress Falun Gong?”
In addition, many top officials such as
former NPC vice chairman Ding Shisun,
former vice president of Xinhua, Li Pu,
former Anhui Province Standing Committee member
Wang Zhaojun and many others
also openly oppose the persecution of Falun Gong.
While abroad, a lot of officials criticized
Falun Gong』s persecution and openly quit CCP,
including Zhang Kaichen
from the propaganda department in Shenyang
Jia Jia, secretary general of scientific experts,
Chen Yonglin, Chinese Consulate General
in Sydney, Li Fengshi from State Security Ministry,
Hao Fengjun, 610 officer, Han Guangsheng,
from Judicial Bureau of Shenyang, etc.
During the 9th and 10th National People』s Congress
(NPC), the vice chairman of NPC,
the vice chairman of the Central Committee,
and the former president of Beijing University,
all brought up Falun Gong issue, raising objections.
Li Pu, former vice president of Xinhua, said
that Zhu Rongji had already resolved the problem,
but Jiang Zemin alone was against Falun Gong.
Falun Gong』s suppression not only violates the right
of “freedom of religions” in the constitution,
but also kills so many people.
It is against the law and an immense crime.
Duguang, a former Central Party School professor,
said that Falun Gong』s suppression is "a fool』s act".
It not only hurts many innocent people, but also
the nation』s interests. It』s a heavy blow to the CCP
and destructive to its ruling legitimacy.
Wang Zhaojun former Standing Committee member
of Anhui Province pointed out that the persecution
of Falun Gong stemmed from CCP』s totalitarianism.
"Tyranny causes disasters, like Cultural Revolution,
Tiananmen massacre and Falun Gong』s persecution.
If it continues, who knows what else would come.”
In an open letter to Hu and Wen,Wang Zhaojun said:
“China urgently needs to stop the persecution
of Falun Gong immediately, to hold the perpetrator
accountable and to make compensation to victims.”
Hong Kong Outpost magazine reported:
“Jiang Zemin knows that his end is near,
at least twice last year he told people around him
that the suppression of Falun Gong is one of the two
stupid things he did in his lifetime
and made millions of enemies.”
Outside analysts pointed out that CCP would never
bear someone else』s burden. If more top officials
express objections to the persecution of Falun Gong,
Jiang』s forces will lose ground.
And that is what worries most Jiang Zemin.
NTD reporters Li Yuanhan and Xue Li

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