新唐人記者 李靜 孫寧 綜合報導
Chongqin Culture-Revolution-alike Move With Public Anti-Mao-Zedong Voice
The recent wave of Party-song-singing in Chongqing
left an impression of a return of Culture Revolution,
and it seems to last.
Meanwhile, the national critique on Mao Zedong
was getting widened and pointed.
82-year-old Beijing renowned scholar Mao Yushi had
published a 5000-word 'Mao Zedong's Unkown Side'
on Apr 26 on Caing.com, itemizing Mao's evil deeds
such as chasing power and indulging prostitutes.
Yushi claimed that Mao would face a fair trial.
Though the article was embraced by netizens,
it was deleted very soon after publish and Mao
has received threatening phone calls and emails,
according to Radio Free Asia on Apr 28.
Gao Yu(ex Xinhua Net Reporter): Mao Yushi's case
was considered to have touched China's Communist
Party(CCP)'s bottom line, as PRC was established by
Mao Zedong, who's clan had abandoned its promises
such as New Democracy after they took power,
who ended up with a ruling resembling
Stalin's Dictatorship of the Proletariat.
So in fact Yushi was talking about liberty of mind,
it's a serious issue.
Chongqing took the lead in the wave of Party-sing-song
as the Chongqing government intensified the propaganda
of 36 party songs to be sung by every citizen;
CQTV re-programmed Party Song Every Day;
Chongqing authorities spreading out 100,000 shows
of party songs to teach all walks of personnel.
28 female university students on Apr 26 visited the
Chongqing zhazi Dong prison in awe of CCP martyrs,
they dressed as Jiang Jie (Jiang Zhuyun, CCP martyrs).
Gao Yu: The atmosphere seemed intense as delightful
music shows were all shut down before May 1,
it's worthwhile observing if every show onwards will
be presented in a Party-style or Jiang Jie-style, and if
Beijing will copy Chongqing in abetting students' act.
Chongqing's Party-song phenomenon became nationwide.
CCP propaganda department scheduled a high-profile
party on May 4, named 'May Flowers, Party Guided'.
In Henan Normal University, students are forced to
dine listening Party songs in the next 2 months.
Previously 4 standing committees of CCP political
bureau had visited Chongqing to praise Bo Xilai for
his push in 'Singing Red-songs, Cracking Crisis'.
It is said that Chongqing has exemplified CCP's move.
Wu Fan: History had proved that Mao Zedong's path
was wrong, where what he wanted was Socialism based
on Capitalism. His approach expressed in a way of
'Singing Party Song, Crack Crsis' to solve problems
in China's politics, economy, ideology, morality decline
and environment degeneration was impracticable.
He's a liar, fooling around.
The ex Wen Wei News director Jiang Weiping
said that Bo Xilai was the one messing up China by
pushing Chongqing back to Culture Revolution's age,
making fraud and chasing power while bending the law,
if he ever gets promoted in the 18th People's Congress,
he would bring more disasters to the nation.
Fortunately, not all voices are siding with Bo.
According to Hong Kong's Ming Newspaper, CCP's
premier Wen Jiabao, in meeting with Wu Kangming,
famous Hong Kong left-wing delegate, discussing
the difficulties in Party reform and said 2 powers
prevented people from speaking freely,
the feudal remains and the Culture Revolution lefts.
NTD reporter Li Jing and Sun Ning


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