Secret Arrests in China
Recently, the Chinese government's official media
are prating on “tolerance”. Meanwhile,
many dissidents, lawyers, artists are secretly arrested.
What do these articles from official media indicate?
How do outsiders interpret them? Let's take a look.
Sino-U.S Human Rights Dialogue closed on April 28.
U.S. said that the dialogue achieved little.
The media felt bleak on the dialogue outlook.
Same day, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) media,
People Daily editorial commented that
as China is in a multi-variant period,
more rational and peaceful discussions are needed.
It also criticized the practices of mutual scolding,
intimidate labeling and slanderous conviction.
This editorial triggered different reactions.
Some think the CCP requested the West's “tolerance”
towards its one party rule without exerting pressure;
Some think the CCP calls on the ordinary people
to be “tolerant “in seething discontent with CCP;
others see it as CCP's show before its internal election.
Wu Baozhang, ex-head of Chinese section of
Radio France: CCP has always played with words.
It says good-sounding things to paralyze your mind,
but it never does what it says,
as these things are a trick. No need to pay attention.
Regardless the interpretation of Chinese and
overseas media, all have witnessed CCP's
recent outrageous arrests of dissidents.
Since Feb, Tang Jitian, Teng Biao, Jiang Tianyong,
Liu Xiaouuan, Liu Shihui and other rights lawyers
were arrested by the CCP's plainclothes.
Tang Jitian is under house arrest with tuberculosis;
After Jiang Tianyong and Teng Biao were released,
they didn't disclose anything, possibly under threat.
ZheJiang-based democracy activist Zhu Yufu was
arrested on Mar. 5, facing his potential 3rd jail term.
Renowned artist Ai Weiwei was arrested on Apr. 3,
triggering serious global criticism against the CCP.
On Apr. 29, rights lawyer Li Fangping was abducted.
On May 1, over 30 Beijing house church members,
including 2 kids were arrested for praying outdoor.
Guo Guoding, an exiled lawyer from Shanghai:
CCP suppresses people with violence and terror,
but its suppression cannot last forever.
Its tyranny has pushed tens of millions of people
to the opposite side. Thus, the CCP is an enemy to all.
According to Voice of America, in China,
at least one major group incident arises each week.
Incidents involving thousands happen once 3 weeks.
NTD reporters Liang Xin, Zhao Xingzhi and Xiao Yan

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【禁聞】世界新聞自由日 中國記者處境堪慮



【禁聞】本‧拉登被殺 中共噤聲



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