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    被《華爾街日報》嘲諷為「高唱紅歌」的「政治搖滾明星」薄熙來,近來在會見港澳媒體時激動的辯解,指外界對他搞「政治運動」的指責是無稽之談。薄熙來還主動談到了備受關注 的李莊漏罪案,他說,他從來沒有插手這個案子。



    自從薄熙來在重慶大搞「唱紅打黑」運動以來,重慶市到處都在播放「紅歌」,警察、便衣、城管、「紅袖標」隨處可見,重慶市開展的紅歌傳唱活動已經纍計 15萬多場,參與市民超過 9千萬人次。與此同時,重慶市公安局抓捕近5千「涉黑」人員,並成立了270個專案組,還耗資 170億安裝 50萬個監控攝像頭,建設世界上最大的監控系統。



    《開放》雜誌執行編輯蔡詠梅:「已經有人把他這種的'重慶模式'比喻為希特勒上臺的時候那個紐倫堡納粹大會的那種情況。大家都知道中國在搞市場經濟,中國是從一種集權社會開始走向後集權。後集權等於說就是對集權的一種解構。 可能他們已經意識到這一點,他們想鞏固他們的集權,把這個東西拉回去,就是回到毛澤東時代。」





    《英國廣播公司》BBC中文網日前發表了一篇題為『重慶 - 由行動到躁動再到折騰』的文章。文章認為,重慶強行推廣的「唱紅」給中共的左轉加上了厚重的一筆。作者質問道:「毛澤東時代的『唱紅』沒有唱出一個強大的中國,反而將中華民族唱進了苦難的深淵,今天將這具政治殭屍曾經的愚民工具再次祭起,意慾何為?」


    Bo』s Disaster in the Making

    Chinese Communist Party (CCP) chief of Chongqing,

    Bo Xilia』s 『Chongqing model,』 including

    the 『Sing Red, Crack Black』 campaign,

    has been considered a return

    to the Great Cultural Revolution. Bo has received

    support from the Jiang clique. The public wonders

    what disaster Bo will bring if he is elected

    to the top echelons of party leadership

    at the CCP』s 18th congress.

    Wall Street Journal calls Bo a “red rising star.”

    Bo refuted accusations of his “political movement”

    at a recent press conference. He even mentioned

    the high profile case of Li Zhuang,

    claiming he was not involved in this case.

    Hu Ping, editor-in-chief at Beijing Spring believes

    Bo was pressured to make such remarks.

    Hu Ping: “We have seen Bo attacked in many ways,

    so he is in defense mode. Bo is accused of starting

    another Cultural Revolution,

    imposing “red” ideology with political power.

    The Chongqing public is put off by such behavior.”

    Since Bo started 『Sing Red, Crack Black』 campaign,

    red songs have been blasting all around Chongqing.

    Police and “red armbands” are also seen everywhere.

    So far, the city has over 150,000 activities

    of 『Sing Red』 and an accumulated participation

    of 90 million people. Over 5000 were arrested

    in relation to 『Crack Black』 ;Chongqing police

    also formed 270 special task forces, and installed

    500,000 surveillance cameras in the city.

    Li Yuanchao, head of CCP's Organization Department

    highly praised Bo's campaign during a recent visit.

    Cai Yongmei, executive editor of Open Magazine,

    said to VOA, Bo』s Chongqing play is “very scary.”

    Cai Yongmei: “Some people are comparing his

    『Chongqing Model』 to the Nuremberg Nazi Rally

    before Hitler』s rise. China』s market reform

    has lead China to post-totalitarianism,

    which is the integration of totalitarianism.

    They realized this and now want to reinforce

    totalitarianism, restoring society to Mao』s time.”

    Veteran reporter Jiang Weiping was jailed by CCP

    for criticizing Bo Xilai in Hong Kong media.

    He says to RFI that Bo has a great media influence

    within the party, and is rising faster than ever.

    Bo practices fraud and destroys the legal system.

    It will bring China great disasters

    if Bo is elected to top echelons』 leadership.

    Hu Ping: “I think Mr. Jiang is right. You can see

    from Li Zhuang』s case, who was falsely convicted

    of fabricating evidence by Bo Xilai. The political

    power play behind this is very disturbing.

    If Bo comes into higher power at the 18th congress,

    it will be troubling not only for us,

    but also for many party leaders themselves,

    as he can do more wrong with higher power.”

    Hu also believes that if Bo is elected to the CCP

    Politbureau, he is likely to impose the

    『Chongqing Model』 on the entire country, which will

    bring China to a very dangerous situation.

    Hu Ping: “Of course he will bring fascism to China,

    which is a danger many have already seen.

    『Sing Red』 is forcefully brainwashing the people,

    while 『Crack Black』 is destroying the legal system.

    I think both actions are very purposeful.”

    According to a recent article on BBC Chinese,

    Chongqing』s 『Sing Red』 movement is significant

    in the CCP』s further turn to the left. The article

    points out Mao』s 『Sing Red』 movement lead China

    to the disastrous Great Cultural Revolution.

    What is the rationale behind bringing out

    such brainwashing tools again today?

    NTD reporters Li Jing, Wang Ziqi and Li Yue