《法國國際廣播電臺》報導指出,本‧拉登被殺,中國(共)喉舌央視新聞頻道的相關評論卻在反覆強調,10年以來,曾經多次傳出有關本‧拉登被捕或者被殺的虛假新聞。言外之意,這次的消息也沒準是假的 。
時事評論員蘭述表示,特別是作為中國人,應該認識到,這個「反恐」戰爭,不僅僅是為了維護美國價值而進行的戰爭,也是維護全人類的「和平與人道」。而中共在和平時期,對手無寸鐵的民眾進行大規模屠殺,是另一類 「恐怖行動」。
China On Bin Laden』s Death
Bin Laden』s death intrigued the whole world.
World leaders have praised the United States for it.
Peace lovers are also celebrating this great news.
What is the reaction of the Chinese regime?
President Obama announced on May 2,
that Bin Laden』 death is for justice and world peace.
The years-long global hunt finally came to an end.
However, on the evening of May 2, Jiang Yu,
the Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson,
expressed concerns on Libya』s civilian deaths only.
Radio France International reported that CCTV,
the mouthpiece of the Chinese authorities,
repeatedly emphasized that in the past 10 years,
rumors of Bin Laden』s killing or arrest were many. Implying that this news may also be erroneous.
Commentator Lan Shu said: “Chinese especially
should realize that anti-terrorism war is not only
to maintain the U.S. values but also all mankind』s
peace and humanity. However, the Chinese regime
carrying out mass killings of unarmed people
is terrorism of a different kind.”
Lan Shu: “Since 1949, when the CCP
(Chinese Communist Party) took over the Mainland,
the persecution of innocent people has been harsh.
In times of peace, large scale massacres
of unarmed people continue. These terrorist actions
bring no result and the executioners are still at large.”
China expert Wu Fan said: “The leaders of the CCP
are all terrorists; all Chinese are their hostages.”
Wu Fan: “The leader of Al Qaeda is killed, w
hat about his subordinates?
Soon their end will come too.
However, there is no peace in this world.
Other groups similar to Bin Laden are still alive.
All those who bully people and use them as hostages
to achieve political and economic goals
should also be punished.”
Tens of Thousands of tourists and New Yorkers
gathered on May 2 around the World Trade Center
cheering the death of Bin Laden. French President,
Nicolas Sarkozy paid tribute to the United States,
“The United States has pursued this 『terrorist baron』
for years and with admirable perseverance.”
Wu Fan: “Leaders of the CCP are all terrorists. They
kill civilians, underground churches, Falun Gong,
Tibetan people and the Uighurs. Sooner or later,
justice will prevail. Crimes against humanity
should be eliminated as such.”
A netizen wrote that the CCP mourns over the death
of Bin Laden. Just looking at those messages from
the Fifty Cents Party, one can learn how they feel.
Lan Shu: “To all Chinese citizens, especially
those who have committed crimes under intimidation,
CCP is going down fast, do you still want to be accomplices?
This should serve as a huge
warning for you to quit the CCP!”
NTD reporters Zhou Yulin ,Tang Rui and Xue Li



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