【新唐人2011年5月4日訊】清華大學舉辦的“百年校慶”在沸沸揚揚的媒體輿論中結束了,但為百年校慶製作的特刊封面,用清華“知名校友” 的照片拼成 “二校門”造型,被最新一期的大陸媒體《南方週末》進行了炮轟。《南方週末》批評清華大學是「權利崇拜」。
Tsinghua』s Power Worship
When celebrating its founding a century ago,
Tsinghua University (TU) magazine』s
special edition featured a gate using photos
of "famous alumni." Southern Weekend
heavily criticized it for “power worshipping.”
Tsinghua』s campus magazine special issue,
『New Tsinghua』s Centennial Celebration』 featured
a gate that was a patchwork of alumni photos.
Communist party』s (CCP) leader Hu Jintao,
ex-Premier Zhu Rongji, top official Wu Bangguo
and other CCP officials occupy prominent positions.
Some outstanding alumni of modern China
had to stay below and aside.
Tsinghua』s founder Mei Yiqi was placed aside.
Some other well-known alumni can hardly be seen.
Southern Weekend columnist Cao Xin commented,
that Tsinghua』s magazine arranged an order,
according to the alumni』s political ranks. Cao said,
that with such a layout on the magazine』s cover,
no wonder people have interpreted Tsinghua
as "all things are contemptible, besides the ranks."
Political commentator Zhang Jian:
“One of the biggest problems in Chinese society
is the unscrupulous pursuit of fame and fortune.
In the entire circle of Chinese intellectuals,
in the face of power, most people adopt cynicism.
Some even act as cat』s paw for the evildoers. This
has led to the moral decline of China as a whole.”
Chinese current affairs commentator Li Chengpeng
wrote in his blog “TU Great Cafeteria," that
Tsinghua』s magazine didn』t rank alumni according
to chronological order or academic achievements.
Li doesn』t consider it as a picture of the alumni,
but an organizational chart of the party cadres.
The party』s mouthpiece, Xinhua.net published
an article titled, "Tsinghua has nurtured
the nine Politburo members."
A Wall Street Journal reader, nicknamed 『wz1986t,』
questioned whether this can be a measure
for success. According to this standard,
says the reader, the most successful should be
the Central Party School.
The reader also provided information
on the real world-class Oxford University:
in its 900 years of history, Oxford has educated
11 kings from 7 countries, 6 kings of England,
47 Nobel laureates, 53 presidents and premiers,
12 saints, 86 archbishops and 18 cardinals.
However, these are barely seen
on its promotional materials,
as its pursuit of academics and truth
made it “fearful of fame and fortune.”
NTD reporters Li Jing and Zhou Ping

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