



歐盟委員會保護消費者專員約翰∙達利(John Dalli)在記者會上讚揚歐盟對商品檢測取得的成果。








『天涯雜談』“從中國食品安全談中國造假行業”文中寫道, 中國是一個造假大國,造假行業發展到現在已經是無一不全了。都可以分門別類,搞成一個大的百科全書了。





China』s Toxic Goods

An EU annual report said the EU market should keep

a lookout for foreign goods from its partner countries.

Most of these goods are from China.

EU Committee released a report on May 12,

pointing out that recently, EU authorities found

many dangerous merchandizes from abroad.

To prevent them from entering the EU market,

EU launched a rapid alert mechanism.

EU committee warned the market to guard against

Chinese products, which account for 58% of all goods.

John Dalli, Commissioner of Consumer Protection

praised EU』s inspection results at a press conference.

AFP published results of a survey on May 12.

As PC amount is increasing sharply in China and India,

In terms of software providers』 loss due to piracy,

the Asia Pacific region tops all other regions.

In 2010, software piracy of in China was rampant,

causing a loss of USD 20 billion in the Chinese market

to the global software industry.

It is an increase of 1.55% from 2009.

According to U.S. Business Software Alliance, in 2010,

the total value of pirated software was USD 59 billion,

and Asia Pacific region accounted for USD 18.7 billion.

Pirated software of USD 7.78 BN was installed in China.

China is No. 2 globally in terms of pirated software.

As per New Epoch Weekly, toxic Chinese products

have been exported, causing panic overseas.

These include dried apples with carcinogens,

fork tails with contraband antibiotics, mushrooms with

illegal pesticides, catfish with excessive antibiotics,

peanut butter with Salmonella and so on.

In containers marked with 『vegetables』, there was

chicken prohibited from being imported into the U.S.

Foreign media also exposed various tainted foods.

Western media said, China』s toxic products have

become an "alternative Chinese threat".

In article “Comments on China』s Counterfeit Industry

and Food Safety”, Skyline Talk said that

China』s counterfeit industry is so comprehensive

that an encyclopedia could be published for it.

Dr. Gao Dawei, ex-dean of College of Light Industry

and Food in South China University of Technology,

said the source of toxins is the CCP, not the Chinese.

He believes an indicator of toxic food is 『moral content』.

Communist atheistic materialism denied retributions,

causing people to lose fear for punishment.

In a materialistic society, as people worship money,

they would use all means to make money.

Gao said the CCP is threatening all human beings

in various ways.

NTD reporters Tang Rui and Wang Mingyu