World Health Assembly (WHA) opened on May 16,
in Geneva, Switzerland. Taiwan』s Health Director,
Wen-Ta Chiu, submitted a letter to WHO to protest
against Taiwan being short changed.
Promotion group from Taiwan,16 members
with a ROC passports, was banned for the first time
from attending the WHA.
Taiwan』s political parties unanimously condemned Beijing for containing Taiwan's international space.
Taiwan's WHO promotion group, 16 members from
Taiwan civil society, European medical associations,
and other civil societies of Switzerland, holding
ROC passports were disallowed to attend the WHO,
for security reasons according to claims.
Many members of the Taiwan group
held banners at La Plaza that day to protest.
Liao Lin Liling, a spokesperson for Taiwan's WHO
promotion group: "We are very shocked and asked
the staff, who said, 'Special rules for this year'
” Ms. Liao said that Taiwan is a WHO observer,
yet it is being treated like this. She wondered
what was going on behind the scene:
”Who is containing Taiwan? The currently
ruling government of Taiwan or China?”
Taiwan』s Health Director, Wen-Ta Chiu was angry
and submitted a letter of protest to Margaret Chan,
at the General Assembly of WHO, urging the WHO
to not regard Taiwan as 『Chinese Taiwan Province.』
Previously, Taiwan's Foreign Ministry
also submitted a letter of protest to the WHO.
Ever since 2009, Taiwan has been a WHO observer
under the name of "Chinese Taipei." However, in recent
exposure of internal documents,
WHO members are reminded to address
“ROC” as “Chinese Taiwan Province.”
The news had a huge shock wave effect in Taiwan,
to both, ruling government and general public.
Radio Free Asia said that these news add
much pressure on the re-election of Ma Ying-jeou,
who considers improving relations with Beijing
to be one of his many proud achievements.
President Ma Ying-jeou held a press conference
on May 10, strongly protesting against WHO』s
internal documents, short changing Taiwan.
Ma Ying-jeou: "I want to express a solemn protest
against the Mainland authorities. I indicated clearly
in 2008's inaugural speech that Taiwan needs
security, prosperity and also dignity.
A healthy development of the cross-strait
can be achieved only when Taiwan is not isolated
internationally. What happened in the WHO
is clearly a result of Chinese authorities』 pressure.
We refuse to accept
any hurting of feelings of the Taiwan people,
which is extremely unfavorable to both sides.”
For the first time Ma Ying-jeou used harsh language
to condemn Beijing since the signing of the ECFA
(Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement).
Meanwhile, Ma's “flexible diplomacy”
is suffering setbacks and challenges.
After Ma Ying-jeou's strong speech, Fan Liqing said,
“Beijing's Taiwan Affairs Office spokesperson,
said that the WHO was to blame and that Taiwan
should look at this 'calmly and objectively.』”
A senior research fellow from Center for Strategic
and International Studies in Washington, Glaser:
“Calling Taiwan a province of China would not
win hearts and promote cross-strait relations.
Beijing's approach would be counter-productive.”
Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party (DPP)
is not sure that Ma Ying-jeou's Mainland policy
will change because of this incident.
In a recent interview with Japan』s Asahi Shimbun,
Ma said that if there is no “1992 consensus”
in “One China, respective interpretations,”
the cross-strait relations will come to a standstill.
However, the Chairman of DPP said,
that "1992 consensus" does not exist.
DPP』s Chairman, Tsai Ing-wen, and Ma Ying-jeou
will run for presidents in the next 2012 elections.
Hong Kong media commented that WHO incident
shows the vulnerability of the cross-strait relations,
and its possible impact on Taiwan's next elections.
NTD reporters Li Yuan Han and Xiao Yan


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