Compensation Fund, A “State Secret”
After the melamine milk powder incident broke
three years ago, the Chinese government
asked China』s Dairy Industry Association
to set up a compensation fund,
managed by the China Life Insurance Co., Ltd.
According to the parents of affected babies,
no one has received anything from the fund.
When the media attempted to understand
the operations of the fund, its related departments
claim that it was a "state secret."
At the end of 2008, the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) asked The China Dairy Industry Association
to lead the 22 enterprises involved in the incident,
and collect a medical compensation fund
of RMB200 million, to be used for the nearly
300,000 children affected by the baby formula.
According to Oriental Outlook weekly magazine,
the operation and balance of the fund is a mystery.
When the reporter called the China Dairy Industry
Association asking for basic information,
the staff in charge refused to answer,
and claimed it was "state secrets.” They also said
that the information on the compensation fund
was not for external reporting.
When the toxic milk powder incident
was first exposed, legal professionals suggested
a RMB3.9 billion compensation fund,
based on the data from the Ministry of Health
and the low standard of the compensation law.
However, the 22 companies that were involved
in the incident contributed RMB1.1 billion only,
900 million of which was used for treatment
of sick infants and cash compensation,
and 200 million as medical compensation fund.
To parents of affected children, the fund is a myth,
as no one has ever seen it or got it.
It is understood that the Ministry of Health issued
a compensation package: RMB200,000 for death,
RMB30,000 for serious sickness
and RMB2,000 for normal sickness.
They asked parents to give up their right to sue
or claim in the future when they get the money.
Many parents refused to accept the condition.
Hu Chunhai (parent of melamine milk victim):
“They had the “targeted compensation” plan.
We did not sign. Both kidneys of my kid have stones,
and in order to get RMB2,000 we needed to sign
saying we wouldn』t sue or file claims in the future.
We will continue to sue and file claims,
so we did not accept the compensation.”
Hu Chunhai told NTD that he never received money
from the fund. He thinks the fund might not exist.
Hu Chuhai (parent of melamine milk victim):
“As far as I know insurance companies don』t have it.
(How would you know?) No one told me about it.
I know many parents of other victim kids,
no one heard about it.”
Guangdong parent of melamine milk victim,
Qiu Yunwen, said that in addition to the RMB2,000
since 2009 all the medical examination
for his daughter was paid out of his pocket.
Qiu Yunwen (parent of melamine milk victim):
“We have covered the medical examination
expenses for my kid. The RMB2,000
cannot even cover commuting expenses.”
Qiu』s daughter has a large stone of 4x0.8 cm.
What is more problematic is there are tiny stones
in the kidney that cannot be removed.
In order to minimize the number of affected kids,
stones smaller than 0.4cm were not counted
or reported, and parents are not informed.
Qiu Yunwen (parent of melamine milk victim):
"My brothers』 kids have kidney stones,
but the report said that they did not.
My brother is a nurse in the hospital.
There might be tens of millions of children
with kidney stones. Two of my brothers children
were diagnosed with stones when examined
at the county level, but not at the city level.”
The "melamine incident" was almost 3 years ago.
The only dairy business that bankrupt was Sanlu,
other involved dairy companies continue to thrive.
Hu Hanchun thinks that many businesses
would have gone bankrupt
if it were not for the government to prevent
courts from filing claims of compensation.
NTD reporters Qin Xue and Xue Li


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