王建華向媒體信誓旦旦的說,他太太的投資完全合情合理合法,不存在腐敗問題。不過在這兩家「首次公開募股」(Initial Public Offerings,IPO)公司中,王建華和安月芬的夫妻關係,一直被隱瞞。
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Insider Trading “Rats”
Recently the former mayor of a city in Guangdong,
Li Chihong, and a female teacher An Yuefen
were accused of insider stock trading.
Government officials trading power for money
become a hot topic again. More and more officials
acting like businessmen amass fortunes overnight
through stock markets. Is this what authorities claim
“A socialist market with Chinese characteristics”?
Investors call them insider trading "rats,"
referring to obtaining inside information
through work or staff, or family relationships
in order to reap big profits in stock transactions.
As evidences of insider trading is hard to obtain,
illegal activities become more rampant,
especially in the banking sector. Insider trading
seriously affects market order and credibility.
A female teacher, An Yuefen, made RMB60 million
|in 3 years, and she is called a “stock market genius.”
According to Chongqing Evening News,
An's husband,Wang Jianhua, is in charge
of discipline inspection of a bank at Jiangyin.
An invested over RMB5 million
in original shares of two local companies.
Once the companies were listed,
her shares appreciated more than 10 times.
She easily made more than RMB60 millions.
According to public information,
after An bought shares of 『Jixin Technology,』
the company's short-term bank loans
began to increase significantly. By the end of 2008,
Jixin Technology short-term loans
amounted to RMB180 million. By the end of 2010
it increased to RMB290 million.
But the company did not disclose these loans
from Jiangyin branch Bank
when Wang Jianhua was bank president.
An also invested in Jiangsu-listed company
『East Energy.』 In East Energy prospectus,
An and Wang were both board directors
of this company until it was listed.
An indirectly owned IPO (Initial Public Offerings)
shares of this company.
Wang Jianhua told the media categorically
that his wife's investment was totally legitimate,
and there was no corruption.
However, in the IPO of two companies,
their husband-wife relationship has been withheld.
According to Hong Kong』s Oriental Daily,
in order to obtain bank loans, business owners
normally give money to bank's senior officials.
Now, they provide inside information instead.
Of course, officials will not involve themselves
in the stock market, but their wives and children do.
Prior to this, Mayor Li Chihong used his position
to obtain a listing of a certain company and advice
of its chairman. He then instructed his relatives
to come forward and buy shares of that company.
Later those shares turned a profit of RMB20 million.
Oriental Daily reports that the current official saying
is “Inside information is better than money or gold.”
Nowadays, some officials』 wives even declare:
"The stock market is my ATM machine.”
Ho Zhicheng, stock market expert:“Our government
is too deeply involved in enterprises. All enterprises
in China want good projects, cheaper bank loans,
government support, and good connections
with all areas in Beijing.
Politics and business are inextricably linked together
and cannot be separated.”
Ho: “It's very difficult to have effective constraints
on an insider trading from within the government.”
NTD reporters Li Ting and Wu Huizhen






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