US Containment Feared CCP
The American aircraft carrier, USS Carl Vinson,
arrived in Hong Kong after winning the approval
from the Chinese communist government.
It is believed that such a gesture
shows that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
feels threatened by U.S. containment measures
and its recently enhanced global efforts
in promoting freedom and democracy.
The visit of the U.S. aircraft carrier
from which bin Laden was buried at sea
received unusually high-profile approval
and media coverage from the CCP.
According to analyst Wu Fan,
the U.S. has taken a series of actions
shortly after the death of bin Laden,
which shows that its focus has shifted
to containing the CCP,
despite China』s recent gestures to please the U.S.
Wu Fan: “First, the situation in the Middle East
will be discussed based on the negotiations
with Israel and Palestine to push forward
the Jasmine revolution in the Arab world.
Second, President Barack Obama will visit
his European allies. So now their intention
to contain the CCP is quite evidential.”
Recently Hilary Clinton criticized strongly
China』s human rights violations on the third annual
China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogue.
On May 16, the U.S. launched
its new “International Strategy for Cyberspace,”
which is believed to have shown
the White House』s determination in taking actions
against cyber attacks from countries like China.
Former Chinese military officer Mr. Xia:
“The Western society greatly detests CCP』s
espionage measures. U.S. and Europe
are often the targets of CCP』s cyberattacks.
China is both afraid of and dependent on the U.S.
With such mentality, the CCP has always
aimed to sabotage.”
President Obama gave an important speech
on May 19, in support of the democratic revolutions
in the Middle East and North Africa.
Obama emphasized that suppression of people
would no longer be effective.
Mr Xia: “The CCP is an evil axis,
and U.S. containment is inevitable…
It is terrified that U.S. has shifted its focus,
as the entire regime is built on
propaganda, deception, and violence.
Now the U.S. aims to contain the unstable
factors in the world, and the CCP is one of them.
The CCP disrupts the global economy
and threatens world peace with military expansion,
which is against the fundamental precepts of U.S.”
A recent editorial on the state-run Global Times
warned the Chinese public about U.S.』 intention
to “invest more resources in suppressing
China』s uprising” after the death of bin Laden.
It claimed that: 『The Chinese people
have long feared that the U.S.
will one day focus its resources against China.”
Analyst Chen Pokong believes that although
the editorial confused “CCP” with “China,”
it still shows the fear of the CCP
that the U.S. will “focus its resources”
against the communist regime.
NTD Reporters Li Jing, Wang Ziqi and Huang Rong

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