雨果.迪克森在這篇文章中,把在中國存在的裙帶階層分為:在社會經濟等級最頂端的“太子黨”、 其次是,用納稅人的錢或通過受賄過著暴富生活的“官僚”階級,以及,瓜分了國有企業經營成果的“管理層”。
China』s 『Princelings』 Economy
Reuters Breakingviews columnist Hugo Dixon』s
recent article on China』s economy points out
that the “class” system in China
is causing inequality
and hurting the economy and society.
According to Hugo Dixon, China』s “class” system
operates on several levels: at the top
of the socio-economic scale are the “princelings,”
children of CCP』(Chinese Communist Party) officials;
then are bureaucrats, who enjoy luxury lifestyles
funded by the people』s taxes and bribes;
and finally those who run state-owned enterprises.
Prof. Xie Tian at University of South Carolina:
“In China, the most critical industries
and the most important enterprises,
from finance to telecommunication and Internet,
are all controlled by the CCP,
their so-called “princelings,”
which is very unfair to the people.”
The newest online ranking of China』s “princelings”
puts Wang Jun, son of former CCP vice-chairman
Wang Zhen, in first place. Wang Jun is a president
of the Citic Group, a company worth RMB701.4billion.
The second place is held by Jiang Zemin』s son
Jiang Mianheng, who founded China Unicom,
a company now worth RMB166.6 billion.
On the list are Zhu Rongji』s daughter Zhu Yanlai,
Li Peng』s son Li Xiaopeng and daughter Li Xiaolin,
Hu Jintao』s son Hu Haifeng,
and Wen Jiabao』s son Wei Yunsong.
Dixon described these “princelings”
as “children of important party officials,
who have become multimillionaires
by trading on their contacts.”
Analyst Caoan Jushi: “In recent years, we see
that China』s economic development is not based
on the growth of public companies,
but on large family enterprises. Such enterprises
are controlled by interest groups,
such as “princelings,” resulting in corruption
and wasteful consumption of economic resources.”
Caoan Jushi believes that interest groups
will also suppress working』 and even middle classes,
making it impossible to succeed by fair competition
as in Western capitalist development.
Therefore, “crony capitalism” is a great obstacle
to China』s development.
According to Hugo Dixon, the CCP is well aware
of these problems. But interest groups wish to keep
the current state against people』s interest.
Xie Tian: “It』s impossible. We all know
that the princelings economic success
is connected to their political and military power.
The CCP has continued such a pattern
through the second and third generation leaders
with the goal to strategically reinforce
and extend their power. It is of their own interest,
they』ll never take actions against their children.”
Caoan Jushi thinks China』s crony capitalism problem
can only be solved by law, not by the leaders.
Caoan Jushi: “All of these problems
require systematic solutions. Of course,
in certain cases, they may take actions against,
like some interest groups no longer in power;
but to solve these problems from their roots,
systematic and public supervision is needed.
Both Xie Tian and Caoan Jushi believe
that the cause of China』s crony capitalism lies
in the monopoly of the CCP. Such crony capitalism
results in great social gaps and conflicts,
which will trigger severe social crises.
Hugo Dixon wrote in his article:
“China』s economy is riddled with vested interests,
while free speech is suppressed.
This potentially explosive mixture sounds similar
to Hosni Mubarak』s Egypt…
One lesson from the Arab Spring is that
populations grow restless when they think rulers
and their cronies enrich themselves unfairly.”
NTD reporters Li Jing and and Xiao Yu


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