流亡德國的「保衛內蒙人權同盟」主席 席海明:「內蒙的問題現在不是說一個牧民被軋死了這麼簡單,它主要是蒙古人整個生存危機,整個草原被破壞了。世界90%多的稀土在中國,中國99%(的稀土)在內蒙。現在高幹子弟拿著軍隊的批發權在那兒挖,以國家的名義。蒙古人最後沒有生計了,沒有活路了,最後剩下草原,有個草原法它又不保護。」
Inner Mongolia Tension Escalates
Ten days after large-scale protests broke out
in Inner Mongolia, Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
dispatched a large number of armed forces
to exert martial law in the major cities,
block streets and intensify Internet censorship.
Comments from overseas point out that the CCP』s
plundering and genocide policies on minorities cause
mounting public grievances, difficult to suppress.
After Mongolian herdsman Mo was struck and killed
by a coal vehicle for his defiance of mining
on Inner Mongolian grasslands,
people online were calling for a march on May 30,
while protests continue to grow.
2000 armed police were dispatched to block
the university district. Armed police with shields
and batons in hand appeared in downtown Hohhot,
blocking Xinhua Square and Genghis Khan Square.
Several anti-riot tanks appeared in the city center.
Local residents often received police text messages
saying that it is illegal to rally. Some employers
threatened to fire employees if they joined the rally.
Inner Mongolia Resident: “All colleges are under
curfew. Armed police blocks the campus entrance
to prevent students from leaving for a rally.
The CCP has blocked all information.
Internet is disconnected for two days now.”
Enghebatu, director of Southern Mongolia Human
Rights Information Center, said that 1000 herdsmen
broke through blockades to protest in the city center
with banners and slogans, requesting the release
of 27 people arrested on May 27. The protest lasted
about 1 hour; several dozen herdsmen were arrested.
Boxun Network said that the 38th Army of the PLA,
which participated in the Tiananmen Massacre,
has been deployed from their base in Hebei
to Inner Mongolia. This news sparked wide concern.
On May 31, the authorities continued to deploy
police forces in various cities and informed students
of a curfew. The foreign affairs spokesperson said
the that CCP would severely crack down
on those who cause problems.
The CCP also used soft methods to try and calm
Mongolians. On May 30, authorities announced
new policies to improve the ecology and residents』
well-being in the Inner Mongolian mining area.
Hu Chunhua, Party secretary of Inner Mongolia,
nicknamed 』Junior Hu Jintao,』 visited local teachers
and students on May 27. He acknowledged
the malicious nature of the incident. He promised
to punish the perpetrator and balance relationships
between mining development and local resident.
Enghebatu: “It is difficult for him to pacify
the long-accumulated anger and grievances
over their land. It is still dubious whether
Hu Chunhua is able to honor what he promised.”
On May 27, authorities fired the Party secretary
of West Ujimqin Banner, and offered more schools
“Free Tuition, Free Books.” Enghebatu said
that the family of the victim Mo will receive a house
and RMB600,000 as a compensation.
Xi Haiming, exiled chairman of Inner Mongolia
Human Rights League in Germany:
“The problem is not as simple as a herdsman』s death.
It is related to the survival crisis of the Mongols,
because the entire prairie has been destroyed.
Over 90% of world』s rare earth production
is in China, but 99% of it is in Inner Mongolia.
High-ranking CCP officials』 sons control production,
and Mongols are deprived of their livelihood
since the prairie is gone.
The so-called “prairie law” did not protect them.”
Inner Mongolia is China』s largest coal production
area. In 2010, its economic growth rate was 14.9%,
ranked No. 4 in China. Its development did not seem
to bring many benefits to the herdsmen. Instead,
it severely damaged the prairie and their life style.
Former Vice President of the Buddhist Association
of China, Ajia Rinpoche Lama: “The huge number
of immigrants to Inner Mongolia, plus recent
development and damage to the environment
and culture have had negative impacts.
When Mongols cannot see any prosperous way out,
they have no choice but to rebel.”
On May 30, various activities were held in Mongolia,
USA, Germany, UK, France and other countries
to protest CCP』s acts and support Inner Mongolians.
China Interim Government wrote to US President,
EU Chairman and UN Secretary General to urge
the CCP to stop the crackdown on Inner Mongolians.
NTD reporters Li Yuanhan and Zhou Ping



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