Sports’ or Slave’ System?
French Open champion, China’s Li Na,
gained international attention and domestic fame.
A widely discussed topic is Li Na’s success
after she left the national team. Is this proof
of China’s national sports system’s failure?
NTD reporters interviewed Chen Kai,
former Chinese national basketball player.
Chen Kai was born in 1953. At 2 meters tall,
he was a key player in the national basketball team
back in the 1970s. Now, Chen believes
China』s sports system is a system of slavery.
Chen Kai: "The so-called national sports system
doesn't acknowledge the athletes’ love of sports.
The largest binding force of the entire sports system
is its treatment of athletes as slaves and tools.
It tells people that their lives are important
and meaningful only if they serve the CCP
(Chinese Communist Party), its politics and regime.
In 2005, Li lost unexpectedly to US player Craybas.
At the press conference after the games,
Li seriously criticized China』s National Tennis Team.
After losing again at China』s 10th National Games,
Li criticized the national sports system again.
Li said that she was envious of foreign players,
as each of them had a personal coach.
Discouraged, Li simply wanted to be a housewife.
The so-called “National Sports System" is
officially explained to “centralize resources,
as the comprehensive national strength is still weak,
to achieve a breakthrough in a short period of time."
Chen immigrated to the US in 1981 and lives in LA.
He said China』s competitive sports are political.
They are not for the grooming of athletes』 talents.
The contracts between athletes and the CCP
don』t protect individual rights, but are for slavery.
Chen gave an example about Yao Ming.
Although playing in the US, Yao is still not free,
as he had signed a slavery-like contract in China,
in order to go abroad and play sports.
On October 20, 2008, after the Beijing Olympics,
Yao withdrew from the national team. An online poll
showed that 71.37% of netizens supported Yao.
They said, “he is too tired; he should take a rest.”
New York Times』 Harvey Araton suggested
Yao quit China』s national basketball team.
Araton wrote that Yao never thought he』d waver
between the Rockets and his country.
Yao needed to put efforts for both parties.
However, his approach was too daunting.
Chen: “Freedom of will doesn’t mean to be forced
to do things. However, in China’s current framework,
authorities want to enslave the whole society.
The slavery system is built layer upon layer.
Slaves suppress and manage other slaves.
There is no one free man, even for the elites.
The national team players are all high-level slaves.”
Chen believes that a lot of people in China
still turn into slaves just to climb the social ladder.
Chen: “They want to be leaders and cadres in CCP.
They want to climb to the top and to oppress others.
They may not know that when they oppress others,
they are also being oppressed.”
Many retired athletes chose to enter into politics.
Among them, one of the most notable ones
is former national table tennis player Deng Yaping.
In 2010, Deng became deputy Secretary-General
of CCP』s mouthpiece People's Daily,
as the youngest department-level female cadre.
Afterwards, in a speech at Beijing University
of Posts, Deng encouraged university students
to join "the search engine national team," claiming
People's Daily never fabricated news in its 62 years.
Her rhetoric was bombarded by Chinese netizens.
Netizens commented that after going into politics,
Deng was no longer simple and determined.
She is now a typical cadre for CCP』s propaganda.
NTD reporters Zhou Yulin, Li Jing and Xiao Yu

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