【新唐人2011年6月8日訊】“如何制止中國的黑客行為”? 美國《華爾街日報》專欄撰稿人霍爾曼•詹金斯發表評論文章,他說,在1990年代,中共支持中國的海盜行為,正如現在中共支持網路黑客行為一樣。而制止中國的黑客行為,就是不再保持沉默,並且拿出證據,來跟中共「大聲」講理。
詹金斯的文章中說,中國最新一輪的網路黑客行為,所針對的不是谷歌的網路安全系統漏洞,而是谷歌「客戶」,這種黑客做法的專業名稱叫「spear phishing魚叉式網路釣魚」。
中國問題及網路安全專家毛文傑(James Mulvenon)博士對《美國之音》說:「他們的網路攻擊行動已經持續了5年,對像是在美國首都的大部分中國問題專家,尤其是那些經常進出政府部門的人,將這些信息匯總起來,能夠得出政府內部在中國等問題上的看法。這是獲取敏感信息的間接方式,這比侵入保密的電腦系統,要容易得多。」
美國「布魯金斯學會技術創新中心」研究部主任艾倫•弗裡德曼(Allen Friedman)也向《美國之音》表示,谷歌是為了維護他在全球的聲譽,而阻止中共黑客攻擊。其他想同中國做生意的公司,在同中國打交道時會遇到甚麼情況,現在被提前敲了警鐘。
How to Stop CCP Hacker Attacks
In the article: “How to Stop Hacker Attacks from
China,” Wall Street Journal columnist, Holman
Jenkins, said that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
supports hacker attacks just as it supported piracy in
the 1990s. To stop the attacks, we should stop being
silent and simply show the CCP the evidence we have.
Jenkins said that China's latest round of hacker attacks
didn't target the loopholes in Google's Internet security
system, but rather Google's users,
using a method called “spear phishing.”
“Phishing” involves sending an email to a specific
person to lure them into giving out their username
and password, thereby allowing the hacker to login
to the recipient's account or other online accounts.
This behavior is similar to the widespread “piracy”
in the middle 1990s, near the South China Sea.
Jenkins revealed that, “The then Director General
of the International Maritime Bureau, Eric Ellen,
said that, there's no doubt that the open sea piracy
was supported by governments.” After Ellen revealed
this, Hong Kong announced the details of nearly 50
piracy cases in 18 months,
with some involving Chinese Navy ships.
Jenkins wrote that, countries in Southeast Asia tended
to believe that, “China's central authorities cannot
control local authorities, which are harming China's
national interest in the international community.
But what improved the condition in the 1990s was the
fact that many shipping companies and governments
from around the world stopped being afraid of China
and debated the issue with concrete evidence in hand.”
The CCP finally executed 13 Chinese pirates in the
beginning of 2000. These pirates were in Chinese
military uniform. They hijacked the Chang Sheng
ship in 1998 and killed 23 sailors.
Jenkins said that, “Since then, though piracy remains
a problem, especially in Indian Ocean area,
CCP supported piracy is no longer a main source.”
Google announced on its blog on June1 that,
a new round of email hacker attacks originated from
Jinan, China. The targeted Gmail accounts belong
to senior U.S. officials, Chinese activists,
Asian officials, and journalists.
Dr. James Mulvenon, a China affairs and Internet
security expert, told Voice of America (VOA) that,
“The CCP network attacks have lasted for 5 years
and mainly targets China experts in the U.S. capital,
especially those who visit governments frequently.
The CCP then analyzes U.S. officials' opinions,
on China related problems, by summarizing the
information. This is done to indirectly obtain sensitive
information , which is easier than directly hacking
into confidential computer systems.”
Mulvenon revealed that, besides Google, Chinese
hackers also attack other companies, including Yahoo.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation, has started an
investigation into Google's accusation.
In his article, Jenkins also stated that, dozens of U.S.
companies have also experienced similar attacks,
including General Electric, Morgan Stanley, and Disney.
But most of them kept silent for fear of offending China.
Jenkins continued: “Actually, what makes the situation
worse is this kind of silence. It is truly helpful if other
companies can learn from Google.”
Allen Friedman, Director of the Center for Technology
Innovation at Brookings Institution, told VOA that,
“Google tries to stop CCP's hacker attacks to maintain
its international reputation. It sounds an alert for other
companies, which plan to trade with China,
and what to expect when doing business in China.
NTD reporters Lin Huixin and Xue Li

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