半個月來,經過人肉搜索,網友們發現,以“中國紅十字會商業總經理 ”的身份,在微博上炫富的郭美美,是「中紅博愛公司」前董事王軍的所謂女友。雖然郭美美對此否認,但「中紅博愛公司」的法人代表、首席執行官翁濤證實了這一點。
中國異議作家 殷德義:“在中國,紅十字會屬於官方的機構,它不接受任何人的監督。這些官員無所謂百姓的善心,因為沒有權力監督,他們總覺得不會受到法律的嚴懲。再加上當地政府對他們的包庇,那他們就是肆無忌憚。”
State Charity Distrusted
Chinese police says that Guo Meimei, who showed off online,
has nothing to do with the Red Cross Society of China (RCSC).
But the infuriated Chinese netizens do not buy it.
Chinese dissident writer Yin Deyi points out that
the lack of supervision on state-owned charities
and the uncontrollable corruption of officials result in
the Chinese distrusting the government and state charities.
On July 7, the media reported that after police investigation,
Guo Meimei was said to have no direct relation with RCSC.
This is the reply to RCSC』s case filed at the end of June.
After half month』s human flesh search,
netizens found that Guo, the “commerce general manager”
at Red Cross Commerce, is a girlfriend of Wang Jun.
Wang is ex-director of China Red Charity Company (CRCC).
Although Guo denied having a relationship with Wang,
Weng Tao, CEO of CRCC confirmed this.
While police is denying Red Cross』s relationship with Guo,
another piece of news is revealed by the Chinese media.
According to China Business, an insider at Red Cross revealed
that China Red Cross called an emergency meeting,
demanding all staff to sign a non-disclosure agreement.
Why do they hush all employees?
RCSC is the largest charitable organization in mainland China,
with Hu Jingtao being its honorary president.
Yin Deyi: In China, Red Cross is a state-owned organization.
It is not supervised by anyone.
Its officials do not possess the kindness towards the people.
As they are not supervised, they think they are beyond the law.
Also, as they are harbored by the local governments,
they have become even more outrageous.
RCSC spokesman said that for 2008 Sichuan earthquake alone,
RCSC had received RMB 19.9 billion in donation.
Yin Deyi: When the earthquake took place,
almost all Chinese capable of donating did so.
However, there have always been problems.
The price of a tent rose from RMB 400, to 700, and to 13,000.
Equipment worth RMB 500,000 was sold for 1.2 million.
These officials』 power is unbridled.
China youth jurist and founder of Open Constitution Initiative,
Xu Zhiyong, also disclosed on Twitter,
"I heard from a chief of medicine in Henan about
the hidden rules of the Red Cross donating medical equipment.
Equipments worth RMB 500,000 are marked up to be 1 million.
The Red Cross pays 5% to middlemen and 15% to its staff.
Thus for every RMB 1.2 million donated,
the hospitals only get equipments worth RMB 500,000."
Tens of thousands of netizens question the way, in which
RCSC uses donation and whether there is corruption.
RCSC gives no comments about it,
but it keeps denying its relationship with Guo.
Yin: The responsible parties have been avoiding their duty.
The government departments and regulatory authorities
should step forward to investigate the possible corruption.
However, they never did.
Thus, people would not trust such a government,
and would not believe in such an institution. "
2010 Audit Announcement from Mainland Audit department
shows, there are five major issues in RCSC.
Excessive purchases alone were RMB 4.2 million.
Yin: Rome wasn't built in a day, neither is people』s attitude.
China』s public conscience has been eroded by these officials.
Nobody believes in Red Cross anymore.
People prefer to trust privately organized NGOs.
Li Na, the tennis player who just won French Open Champion,
donated RMB 500,000 to orphanages and nursing homes,
with her after-tax bonus of RMB 480,000 and some savings.
Her team says that she really wants to help.
Due to Guo』s scandal, she refused to donate through RCSC.
Now, Guo Incident has attracted international media attention.
The New York Times says “The photographs of the alluring
young woman landed like hand grenades in the world of
Chinese philanthropy.”
CNN reported: “Red Cross China in credibility crisis”.
NDTV reporters Zhao Xinzhi and Sun Ning

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