Sichuan-based dissident writer Liao Yiwu
was monitored by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
for exposing the dark side of the current Chinese society.
He was forbidden to go abroad to participate in cultural events.
However, recently, Liao successfully fled to Germany.
On July 6, he arrived in Berlin. Two of his new books will
soon be published in Germany and New York.
In recent years, he was invited by several foreign groups
to participate in cultural activities.
However, Liao was restricted by the CCP from leaving China.
He was repeatedly warned to not criticize the CCP in his works.
He told German "Der Spiegel " that in order to leave China,
he had promised not to publish his new book, “Testimonials".
He considers this an "indescribable humiliation" to a writer.
He doesn』t want to be held hostage by the CCP any longer.
Liao Yiwu: "We live in an abnormal state. This country is evil.
To survive, the people sometimes have to give up their dignity
and to live like dogs. Chinese people』s secret of life is suffering.
However, their suffering is sometimes imposed by themselves,
and more often imposed by the CCP.
The CCP forces people to live with hypocrisy. "
Liao Tianqi, president of Independent Chinese PEN,
accompanies Liao Yiwu on a series of events in Germany.
He sighed that such a good writer cannot speak up in China.
His books cannot be published, but only sold on black market.
What a great tragedy!
Liao Tianqi said, "As Liao Yiwu latest book 『Testimonials』 is
published abroad, he was constantly harassed by authorities,
who even prevent him from going overseas for activities.
He had to no choice but to escape to the West.
The book has been highly praised by Germany's literary society.
Nobel Prize winner Herta Muller said that
it may win the Nobel Prize in Literature.
Liao Yiwu told Deutsche Welle in an interview that
Fischer Verlag would publish "Testimonials” on July 21.
Liao Yiwu: "In the past, the CCP has always paid attention
to the book and did not allow it to be punished.
However, I think that a writer』s current and future goal
is to pursue writing and publishing freedoms."
After Tiananmen Massacre, Liao Yiwu wrote a long poem
"Massacre", which caused him to be imprisoned for 4 years.
"Testimonials" records the lives of inmates and prisoners and
shows the CCP』s humiliation and abuse of Chinese citizens.
This book』s first two drafts were confiscated by the CCP.
The one being published is the third draft.
In the past 15 years, Liao was refused to leave China 16 times.
After Germany's mediation in Sep 2010,
he was able to participate in literary activities in Cologne.
However, after returning home, Liao was immediately silenced,
and the police summoned him a few times.
During the so-called sensitive periods, he would "go missing".
Liao Yiwu is one of China's most important social issues writers.
Most of his protagonists are from the marginalized groups,
including migrant workers, petitioners and criminals.
Liao calls himself a low-key "memory worker".
He uses his work to portray the history and reality.
10 years ago, Changjiang Literature & Art Publishing House
published "Interviews with the Lower Strata of Chinese Society",
which was banned by the Chinese authorities.
As a result, the publisher was punished and incurred losses.
After publishing dialogues from this book by Liao,
many editors at Southern Weekend』s were dismissed.
For a decade, Liao wasn』t allowed to publish a word in China.
However, his pirated works have been a success,
with the highest numbers sold, among all pirated books.
Recently, two of his books "Testimonials" and "God is Red"
will be published in Germany and New York respectively.
In addition, the German media reported that
Liao would soon visit the U.S. and Australia.
Afterwards, he is expected to stay in Berlin.
NTD reporters Li Mingfei and Ge Lei


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