Truth of Jiang Zemin: Part VII
Jiang Zemin』s death or illness has led to a dispute in
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regarding Jiang』s life.
Jiang』s notorious deeds have attracted wide attention.
NTD is making a series of reports on Jiang』s life.
Today's topic is Jiang Zemin's persecution of faith.
When serving as the CCP』s General Secretary,
Jiang Zemin launched the unprecedented persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners.
Hundreds of millions of ordinary people
that practice Falun Dafa are pushed to the opposite side.
The overwhelming repression by the CCP, with the use of the state machine,
has continued the persecution to this day.
On May 13, 1992, Mr. Li Hongzhi started to spread Falun Dafa in public.
Based on the universal principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance,"
Falun Dafa improves people』s health and elevates their morals.
According to a public security internal investigation in 1999,
the number of Falun Dafa practitioners
ranged from 70 million to 100 million in China.
In 1998, an official survey chaired by
the then-head of National People』s Congress Qiao Shi,
concluded that Falun Dafa "had all kinds of benefits
without any harm to the country and the people."
It is understood that nearly all top-ranked CCP officials
and their family members, including Jiang Zemin and Li Peng,
have read Falun Dafa books and/or practiced Falun Dafa.
Zhang Erping (Spokesman for Falun Dafa):
“In fact, the CCP regime recognized Falun Dafa at that time.
The CCP gave Falun Dafa a lot of awards and praises.
It even organized people from many state agencies and
from all walks of life to practice Falun Dafa.
Under these circumstances, Jiang became jealous.”
In 1997 and 1998, Luo Gan, head of the CCP』s Political and Law Committee, successively issued notices to order the Ministry of Public Security
to start investigating, framing and harassing Falun Dafa.
In April 1999, Luo Gan and his brother-in-law He Zuoxiu provoked an incident,
where 45 Falun Dafa practitioners were beaten and arrested in Tianjin.
The Tianjin Municipal Government encouraged the practitioners to petition in Beijing.
On April 25, tens of thousands of Falun Dafa practitioners came to petition
at the Central Office for Petitions and Appeals near Zhongnanhai in Beijing.
This was the famous "4.25 Incident".
The CCP』s then-Premier Zhu Rongji met with
Falun Dafa practitioners』 representatives
and instructed the authorities in Tianjin
to release the detained practitioners.
However, Jiang wrote overnight to
the CCP』s Politburo Standing Committee (PSC).
On the PSC meeting held on the next day,
he stressed on "the destruction of the Party"
and insisted on suppressing Falun Dafa practitioners.
Except Jiang, all other six PSC members objected the suppression.
On June 10, Jiang founded the Gestapo-like "610 Office".
It is a national organization positioned above the constitution and the law,
and it only following the unilateral orders of Jiang Zemin.
It was set up for the sole purpose of
persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners.
On July 19, Jiang held a high-level CCP central government meeting.
He issued an order to suppress Falun Dafa practitioners.
The troops stationed near Beijing entered into a state of combat readiness.
On July 20, Jiang ordered nationwide mass arrests of Falun Dafa practitioners
and the destruction of all Falun Dafa books.
Jiang was clamoring, "Eliminate Falun Dafa in 3 months!"
However, the Falun Dafa practitioners
who had no recourse did not yield.
They flocked to Beijing's Tiananmen Square from all corners of China,
shouting "Falun Dafa is Great."
In October 2000, thousands of Falun Dafa practitioners
went to Tiananmen Square to raise banners.
There was even a scene of a thousand practitioners
doing group exercises.
In November 2001, 35 western Falun Dafa practitioners
from more than a dozen countries unfolded a large banner
of "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance" on Tiananmen Square.
The book "The Real Story of China』s Jiang Zemin" disclosed that
Jiang had spent a quarter of China』s financial resources
on the persecution of Falun Dafa for many years.
During the most severe periods,
he had even used one-third of China』s resources for that.
In France, without permission, Jiang declared Falun Dafa a "cult."
Later, he ordered the National People』s Congress
to modify the law to persecute Falun Dafa.
Zhang Erping: “The persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners
is comprehensive and of a large-scale.
It involves everyone, including the public security, propaganda organs,
schools, the military, factories and villages.
The persecution is also global.
(Jiang and the CCP) launched a worldwide
comprehensive propaganda to slander Falun Dafa.”
On January 23, 2001, Jiang』s camp created
a fake “Tiananmen self-immolation case."
In the video broadcasted on the CCP』s CCTV,
ridiculous scenes appeared,
such as policemen patrolling with fire extinguishers,
plastic beverage bottles that couldn』t be burnt,
a girl singing after “a tracheotomy operation”, etc.
The video was found to be fabricated,
which was recognized by various international organizations,
such as the NGO International Educational Development (IED).
These organizations strongly condemned
the CCP』s state terrorism on the UN General Assembly.
The CCP』s other deceptive propaganda include
"1400 deaths" and "Masanjia Concentration Camp", etc.
These were created as pretexts for persecution and cover-up.
Jiang commanded 610 Office to “ruin the reputations,of,
bankrupt financially and destroy physically” Falun Dafa practitioners.
The CCP』s annihilation policy was backed up by the order
“all killings are regarded as suicides."
According to incomplete statistics,
at least 3,400 practitioners have been tortured to death.
Tens of millions of practitioners were subjected to torture, detention,
imprisonment, brainwashing, violence, extortion and displacement.
Thousands of students have been damaged psychologically
by the use of drugs by the authorities.
Tens of thousands of practitioners had their organs live-harvested.
Zhang Tianliang (Current Issue commentator):
“Over 100 million Falun Dafa practitioners are
persecuted so cruelly in China.
There are also many overseas practitioners.
However, none of them has resorted to violence.
This is truly remarkable.
The Chinese people have finally walked out of a history
of being obedient slaves.
They want to fight, but not as slaves nor as mobsters.
The Falun Dafa has shown them a third way.”
Falun Dafa practitioners insisted on
ending the persecution and telling the truth,
by using peaceful means.
They include spreading truth information materials,
interrupting mainland Chinese TV programs
to broadcast truth videos on the persecution of Falun Dafa,
prosecution of Jiang and other senior CCP officials
involved in the persecution,
development of software to break the CCP』s Internet blockage,
petitioning to the UN and other NGOs and governments,
and calling globally to stop the persecution of Falun Dafa.
In the course of 12 years of anti-persecution,
Falun Dafa continues to grow.
Now it is spread in nearly 120 countries and regions around the world.
It received praises from the international community
and thousands of awards and letters of support.
Falun Dafa』s book "Zhuan Falun" is translated in almost 40 languages.
Meanwhile, what Jiang's absurd persecution
managed to achieve is to drag the CCP towards its self-disintegration.
NTD reporters Chang Chun,Li Yuanhan and Xiao Yu

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