北京憲政學者陳永苗透露說,報社以前的社長兼 主編包月陽一直支持王克勤做調查揭黑報導。但是在簽發了王克勤的報導“山西疫苗亂象調查”之後,去年五月包月陽被調離。而其他報社領導一直想把王克勤排擠出局,因為擔心調查報導會給報社帶來風險。
陳永苗(北京憲政學者): 「我覺得他實際上做了非常多的維權事件,比如王克勤被評為2004年十大維權人物。我覺得他的更多意義並不在於推動政治體制改革,而是實現維權運動的巨大發展。」
新唐人記者秦雪 柏妮 採訪報導
Muckraking Newspaper Purged
Recently, the muckraking China Economic Times』
“department of investigation” was dissolved.
Wang Keqin, head of the department and
“Number One muckraking reporter of China” was suspended.
On his micro-blog, Wang said, “When a regime begins to gag,
if it is not stopped, its next step will be to silence people!"
Qian Gang, director of media research
at University of Hong Kong, was the first to
break the news of Wang being purged
on his micro-blog.
He said that according to
a friend at China Economic Times,
a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) cadre
well-experienced in political struggles,
had arrived at the newspaper headquarters
and started the purge.
On his micro-blog, Wang expressed his feelings
with the famous words
at the entrance of Dachau Concentration Camp:
"When a regime begins to burn books,
if it is not stopped, its next step will be to burn people!
When the regime begins to gag, if it is not stopped,
its next step will be to silence people! "
Deutsche Welle reported that
Wang confirmed to reporters that
the investigation department was dissolved,
but he was not certain about his own future.
The CCP secretary within the newspaper』s headquarters
told him that being a veteran CCP member,
he must “obey the organization and listen to the party.”
Beijing constitutional scholar
Chen Yongmiao said that
the director and former editor of the newspaper
Bao Yueyang had always supported Wang.
However, after the “Shanxi Vaccine Chaos” investigation,
Bao was transferred and
other top managers of the newspaper
wanted to oust Wang,
as they fear the risks of his investigative reports.
Chen Yongmiao: I think that
he actually has done a lot of rights protection activities.
For example, Wang was named
one of the top ten rights activists in 2004.
But more significantly is that
rather than promoting political reforms,
he has achieved a tremendous development
of the human rights movement. "
Columnist Yang Qinheng said that
Wang is good at in-depth investigations.
Thanks to Wang, he learned the existence of
"China Economic Times."
Yang Qinheng: He dug out much significant news.
He can be called China's top investigative reporter.
Naturally, he has become a thorn for some people."
A senior media analyst Zan Aizong thinks that
in terms of political risks and economic benefits
of a newspaper agency,
conducting rights activities and muckraking
are not as worthwhile as praising the authorities.
Zan Aizong: Because investigative reporting
exposes the social corruption,
some local governments will complain.
And the cost is very high.
For an incident investigative report,
you have to dispatch two or three reporters.
It costs RMB 20,000 - 30,000.
If you use the same space to publicize a business
or to promote a local government,
the government will pay for the articles.
Wang and his “department of investigation”
are well-known for in-depth exposure of shady social events.
Wang had written "A Stock Market Black Box",
"Monopoly Taxi Industry", "The Truth about AIDS”,
"Qian Yunhui Crushed to Death ",
and "Shanxi Vaccine Case."
Such sensational reports angered
many officials and local forces.
Wang was nominated
by the Chinese media organizations
as "Chinese media elite" and
"Eight powerful reporters".
He was also elected as “Man of the year”
by Esquire in 2010.
He is also considered playing
a significant and positive role
in China's economic management.
NTD reporters Qin Xue and Bo Ni

【禁聞】李承鵬香港書展 妙諷大陸現狀





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