大陸媒體報導說:週六晚上,由浙江杭州開往福建福州的D3115次動車,因鐵軌遭到多次雷擊而斷電失去動力,被迫停靠在溫州市附近的一座高架鐵路橋上。晚上8點50分,北京南站到福州的D301次動車行使到此,與這列動車發生追撞,導致D301次動車第1至第4節車廂脫軌,停靠的 D3115次動車的第15、16節車廂被撞脫軌,從高架橋上墜落。高架橋距離地面約為20∼30米。
溫州醫院人員:「 傷患有啊!」
溫州市長趙一德表示,兩節擠壓在一起的車廂裏可能還有乘客。初步估算,發生事故的兩輛列車中,前 一列大約有900多人,後一列有500多人。
Cause of Train Accident Questioned
On July 23, after 8 p.m., two motor trains collided in Wenzhou,
resulting in six cars derailing and four cars falling off a viaduct.
Chinese media reported 35 deaths and 210 injuries.
However, industry experts questioned the cause reported by
the mouthpiece media of the Communist government.
Chinese media reported that on the night of July 23,
Motor train D3115 traveled from Hangzhou to Fujian.
Its track lost power after being struck by lightning.
So, the train was forced to stall on a viaduct near Wenzhou.
At 8:50 p.m., another motor train D301from Beijing to Fuzhou
rear-ended D3115, causing two of D3115』s cars to derail,
and four of D301』s cars to derail and fall off the viaduct.
The viaduct is 20 to 30 meters above the ground.
A hospital in Wenzhou told NTD that
they had received a lot of injured passengers.
Hospital staff: "We have received some wounded passengers."
(Reporter: How many have you received?)
Hospital staff: "Currently, 29 people are hospitalized,
more than 40 people were admitted to the hospital in total."
However, the Wenzhou Health Bureau announced that
35 died and there were wounded people in all local hospitals.
According to some local residents,
36 people had died.
Wenzhou』s mayor Zhao Yide said that
there might still be passengers in two wrecked cars.
It is estimated that there were 900 people in the first train
and 500 people in the second train.
Survivor Ms. Zhang told the Epoch Times that
at the time of the accident, all lights went off in her car,
the car trembled severely, and screams filled the car.
Her daughter』s car then fell off the viaduct.
She rushed out of her car to search for her daughter.
However, she has not yet been found.
Both trains were China Railway High-speed series
electricity-powered trains.
According to Taiwan』s Central News Agency,
electricity-powered trains not only run on high-speed rails,
but also run on general railways along with regular trains
at a speed lower than 200 km/h.
China Economic Observer Online reported,
technical experts said that electricity-powered trains have
lightning protection devices.
Their automatic control system would be activated
to stop the trains after lightning strikes.
But train conductors may carry out emergency operation.
The report questioned the authorities』 explanation.
The experts asked,
“If the safe distance between both trains is 1,000 meters,
why didn』t the 2nd train with automatic control system stop?”
The report also indicated that internal analysts believe that
the second cause of the accident may be a scheduling problem.
China Railway』s online train schedules showed that
from Taizhou to the southern section of Wenzhou,
Train D301 should run ahead of Train D3115.
However, it was not the case.
A netizen posted on Sina』s microblog,
"Ten Questions of 7.23 Rear-end Train Accident in Wenzhou",
“The Ministry of Railways held a conference that only allows
the entrance of CCTV and Xinhua News Agency reporters.
Everyone is watching. Don』t try to shift your responsibility
to temporary workers or natural disasters.”
Meanwhile, the Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Rail,
which started operation less than a month ago,
had several operational failures.
This has decreased the public confidence in China』s railways.
Wenzhou resident Mr. Zhang,
"I would choose the regular trains over the high-speed trains.
Regular trains are more stable.
I am too scared to take the motor trains.”
A netizen said, "If roads are damaged, the rain is blamed;
If bridges collapse, the cars are blamed for being overloaded;
If trains are rear-ended, the lightning is blamed.
When can people take the responsibility?"
NTD reporters Liu Hui, Lin Huixing and Zhou Tian




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【禁聞】溫州事故引民憤 傳媒特警抗命

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