The Story of Bao Caixia
Bao Caixia used to live a comfortable life.
However, after the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started
to suppress Falun Dafa practitioners in 1999, her life changed.
What was the life like during these 12 years of oppression,
for a seemingly meek lady like Bao Caixia?
Let』s listen to her story.
Bao Caixia is from Dalian, a coastal city in China.
She used to work for the Dalian International Airport
for a large salary and good benefits.
Her husband, Cao Zuimeng, was a celebrated painter,
TV program director and associate professor.
In 2002, he received Silver Award of “World Peace Award”,
conferred by University of Houston .
Nevertheless, Bao still felt something was missing in her life.
Bao Caixia: I began practicing Falun Dafa in Jan. 1996
together with my husband.
At that time, I was suffering from multiple illnesses.
I was also mentally stressed too,
not knowing why humans live in the world.
I tried in vain to find a way that could enable me to live
a worry-free, pure and noble life.
Later, when I saw the book Zhuan Falun,
I realized that this was what I was looking for.
So, together with my husband, I began to devote
my heart and soul to the cultivation of Falun Dafa.”
After 3 years of Falun Dafa cultivation,
Bao attained both physical health and mental peace.
But on July 20, 1999,
Bao and tens of millions of other Falun Dafa practitioners
faced a tough choice between
persisting in her faith and giving up her belief.
Bao: As soon as the CCP began its crackdown on
Falun Dafa practitioners, we faced two choices.
The first one was to persist in our faith,
but we might end up being dismissed from work,
sent to jail or even persecuted to death by the CCP.
The other choice was to follow the CCP
and do whatever it requested us to do.
In doing so, we would keep our material interests,
but lose our dignity and morality as human beings.
Bao and her husband took the first choice,
which brought a tremendous change to her life.
Bao was threatened by her workplace, looked down upon by
people around her, and monitored and harassed by the police.
In order to avert from police arrest, in 2000,
she started a vagrant life with her new-born daughter.
No matter how she tried to avert from the police,
she was still arrested and sent to a detention center.
The police told her, there were only two choices: she would
be either sent to a labor camp, or sentenced to a jail term.
The police said that
there was no way for her to leave freely.
Bao: So, I thought that to get out of the detention center alive,
the only way out was a hunger strike.
For more than 20 days on a hunger strike,
my health was at risk and I passed out.
In fear of the responsibility of my death while in their custody,
the police sent me home temporarily.
However, when they saw that I recovered,
they took me back into custody again.
As the persecution went on,
Bao』s daughter grew up.
Bao: In June 2007, I was arrested.
A few hours later, my husband was also arrested by police.
When the child saw the police arresting her daddy,
she collapsed to the ground, screaming and shouting for papa.
Indifferent to the distress of the child,
the police took both my husband and the child into the car.
Bao said, she felt sorry that she was unable to
give her daughter a normal life.
Bao: I felt that it was too much for a 7-year-old to take.
She was supposed to have a happy and worry-free childhood,
but instead, she was fearful of her parents』 arrests everyday.
So, even today, my child tells me that
when she sees the police, she is still afraid.”
In Dec. 2007, Bao and her family escaped overseas,
to avoid being persecuted by the CCP.
Although the persecution still continues, she believes that
the cloud-covered sky in China will eventually clear up.
She wrote a poem to speak from her heart:
Twelve years of rugged path, inexpressible by human words.
Despite narrow escape from the purgatory,
no regrets for what I have done.
Conscience and justice are above all.
NTD reporters Li Jing and Li Nuolin

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【禁聞】溫州動車事故 200多死傷 主因質疑




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