這個月24號《中評社》北京報導,環保人士汪永晨指出,自6月4號「渤海灣漏油事件」發生一個多月了,國內媒體雖然零星報導,不過並未在國內引起廣泛重視;對照去年(2010年) 4月在美國發生的「墨西哥灣漏油事件」,兩國政府在面對同樣的環境污染災害時,明顯不同的處理態度。
新唐人記者 曾耀賢 郭敬 綜合報導
Different Treatments of Oil Spills
The Bohai Bay oil spill incident occurred in June 2011.
However, the oil spill has not been stopped.
It currently stretches up to 1 kilometer and
is polluting thousands of square kilometers of ocean water.
Some media compared this to
the U.S. Gulf of Mexico oil spill incident in 2010.
The comparison shows that the U.S. and Chinese governments
have different attitudes towards handling oil spill incidents.
China Review News Agency reported from Beijing on July 24,
environmentalist Wang Yongchen pointed out that
sporadic reports of the Bohai Bay oil spill incident
hadn』t attracted much attention in China.
Also, the report compared the incident
to the U.S. oil spill incident in Gulf of Mexico in April 2010.
Both governments have significantly different attitudes
towards the handling of oil spills issues.
The report pointed out that the Gulf of Mexico oil spill
was vigorously reported by the media and
became a major environmental incident in the U.S.
After the oil spill, the U.S. government, media and environmental
groups reported the issue』s development on a real time basis.
Even the Chinese people, across the Pacific,
could see pictures of the polluted ocean.
Five days after the incident took place,
U.S. officials rushed to the Gulf of Mexico.
On the 8th day, Obama came to the scene, as well.
However, they were still criticized for responding too slowly.
As the reported said 8 months after "the Gulf of Mexico oil spill",
US Medias still do follow-up attention to the compensation and
environmental restoration progress of the oil spill incidents.
However in China,
Wang Yongchen said that after "Bohai Bay oil spill" occurred,
the Chinese national media downplayed the incidents,
perhaps there are too many things the regime needs to report.
Wang also speculated that if there are other reasons?
The Bohai Bay oil spill occurred in early June, but
it was not confirmed by State Oceanic Admin until July 5.
Prior to this, people could only obtain news about the incident
on Sina』s micro-blogs and from some reporters.
On July 11, officials confirmed for the first time that
at least 840 square kilometers of water was contaminated.
Li Xiaoming, director of Marine Environmental Protection Division,
explained that the causes of the oil spill were very complicated
and it would take some time to reach a conclusion.
In recent years, China's coastal water pollution is getting worse.
Voice of China reported on July 25 that in Shandong,
three “red tides" appeared near Yantai』s coast in 2011.
The largest one covered 6 square kilometers of the sea.
In June 2011, more than 9,800 tons of green algae were
collected in the Yellow sea
The quantity of contaminated water poured from Yantai City』s
19 discharging outlets into the ocean was 320 million tons.
All of these contribute to China』s worsening coastal pollution.
They even resulted in people suffering from mercury poisoning
due to their consumption of deep-sea fish.
NTD reporters Zeng Yaoxian and Guo Jing



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