於建嶸:「我告訴你們一個到大陸吵架的方法,只要你和人家吵架,你實在吵不過他了,你只要講一句話你就贏了:『你不就是個當官的麼?』 講完之後,肯定好多老百姓圍過來,『當官怎麼樣了。』為甚麼?仇官、仇富、仇警是今天中國最基本的社會心態。」
China』s Officials and Wealthy Hatred
Wealth gap, conflicts between officials and the public and
social injustice in China are getting worse.
People』 grievances have developed into
serious social and political crisis.
Yu Jianrong, director of Social Research Center
of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS),
recently pointed out that hatred toward officials, the rich,
and the police is becoming the base of mentality in China.
This can lead towards a mass scale social turbulence
in China.
On July 20, at "The 22nd Hong Kong Book Fair,”
renowned sociologist Professor Yu Jianrong gave a speech
about the trend of defending the human rights
of migrant workers and other citizens in the past decade.
He mentioned that even teachers of the CCP』s College
in Henan Province went on strike to defend their rights.
He pointed out that this year』s continuous "mass incidents"
are a reflection of people』s loss of trust in the CCP』s regime.
A small spark can lead to mass-scale incidents
and even riots.
Yu Jianrong: Let me tell you how to quarrel in China.
If you are not winning the argument, you just need to say:
“You are an official, so what?”
Once you say that, a lot of people would gather around and say:
"What』s so great about the officials?”
Why is that? The hatred toward the government, the rich
and the police is the base of the social attitudes in China today.
Wall Street Journal quoted Wang Xiaolu, a deputy chairman
of National Economic Research Institute
of China Reform Foundation in his independent research:
“The top 10% rich people in China have an annual income
25 times higher than that of the bottom 10%.”
According to Merrill Lynch』s 2011 World Wealth Report,
in 2010, China had 535,000 millionaires, the 4th in the world.
World Luxury Association (WLA) reported that in 2012,
China is expected to take over Japan to be the #1 country
in consumption of luxury goods.
Rich people in China acquire expensive mansions, diamonds,
cars, watches and other luxury goods.
Ordinary workers, facing inflation, even have a hard time
to afford daily necessities, health care and education expenses.
Economist and professor Lang Xianping indicated that
the average hourly salary of Chinese workers is $0.8,
lower than that in Africa, and the lowest in the world;
but the Chinese workers』 working hours are
the longest.
In Europe and Brazil, consumption-GDP ratios are above 70%,
while in China it is only 29%.
Professor Lang attributed that to
the poverty of ordinary Chinese people.
Meanwhile, the CCP government revenue grows steadily,
with H1 2011 reaching $5.6 trillion, up 31.2% from 2010.
This “wealthy government - poor people” phenomenon
in China is being criticized by overseas scholars.
Yu Jianrong: Previously the CCP relied on the reform,
the so-called performance, GDP and development efficiency.
Recently, some people wanted to return to the revolution,
and take away the CCP』s legitimacy.
This is CCP』s problem of today.
It is very troubled and its so-called 『party education』 is useless.
All the theories they put forward are jokes to the people.”
CCP』s Premier Wen Jiabao recently said, he does not expect
the social injustice to be resolved in the near future.
Bao Tong, former political secretary of Zhao Ziyang,
(an ex-CCP leader but was sympathetic to the students in 1989),
pointed out that Hu Jintao and Wen are "creating conditions"
for the next leadership, but they actually bring more trouble.
Currently, the CCP』s expenditures on stability maintenance
via violence has surpassed China』s national defense funding.
Professor Yu said that the CCP, in order to "maintain stability,"
uses all the resources at the expense of people's livelihood,
just like it did during the Cultural Revolution.
In fact,
there is a high risk.
Yu Jianrong: We need a political reform.
The key issue is to safeguard people』s freedom of speech.
If everyone regards the law as waste papers and we have hatred,
there will be mass turmoil in China in the future.”
Yang Jisheng,
VP of The Yanhuang Chunqiu Magazine
and former senior reporter of Xinhua News Agency,
published “China's Contemporary Social Class Analysis.”
The book had great repercussions and was banned
multiple times by the Ministry of Central Propaganda in China.
Its ban was finally lifted in 2011.
Now it is available for sale.
Yang points out that since China』s reform and opening up,
the biggest part of the “pie” belongs to a small number
of people with power, who did not contribute much for it.
Those who work hard for it do not get any,
and this has resulted in hatred of the officials and the rich.
NTD reporters Li Yuanhan and Li Yue

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【禁聞】溫州事故引民憤 傳媒特警抗命

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【禁聞】高鐵事故主因 中宣部令不報導

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【禁聞】中國改裝航母欲試水 外界反應不一

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