Hu Splits Jiang's Camp
On July 23, Yuan Hua Smuggling Case culprit Lai Changxing
was sent back to Beijing and immediately arrested.
This incident and the rumored death of Jiang Zemin,
the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) ex-leader,
have intensified the internal power struggle
among the CCP's high-level factions.
The atmosphere in Beijing is very tense these days,
with some districts implementing martial law.
Outside analysts point out that Lai's case
provides a key to the criminal evidence of Jiang's camp.
Hu Jintao seems to intend to split Jiang's faction.
On the day of Lai Changxing's repatriation, CCP Central
Military Commission Chairman Hu Jintao promoted six generals.
One of the six was Jia Ting an.
He is Deputy Director of
the General Political Department and Vice Chair of
Yuan Hua Case investigation team.
Another is the Political Commissar of the Navy, Liu Xiaojiang
son-in-law of the former General Secretary Hu Yaobang.
Liu leads the navy and was involved
in the investigation of Yuan Hua Case.
Jia Ting an, former Director of Jiang Zemin's Office, was not
of military background, became Lieutenant General in 2005.
He wasn't promoted to general in 2010, though eligible for it.
In recent years, Hu promoted personnel in the military system
in order to break Jiang's personal arrangement in the military.
At the moment of Lai's extradition,
Jia Ting an was promoted to general.
U.S.-based scholar, He Qinglian, thinks that
Hu Jintao is trying to demonstrate power.
Hu uses Lai as a trump card
to intimidate his opponents.
The Yuan Hua Case was established in 1999.
Its investigation was led by ex-Premier Zhu Rongji.
It involved Zhu's struggle with Jiang Zemin.
At a crucial moment, Lai was notified by Jia Ting an,
and escaped to Canada, seeking political asylum.
In the book “Unveiling the Yuan Hua Case,”
Lai revealed that he was very close with 3 of the 5 secretaries
of Jiang Zemin, including Jia Ting an,
the secretary-in-charge.
Lai always chatted with Jia and frequently visited Jiang's home
through the arrangements made by Jiang's secretaries.
Shen Xue (author of Unveiling the Yuan Hua Case):
When I wrote this book, Lai told me that he had very good
relationships with 83 secretaries of high-level CCP officials.
I asked him, “Which 83 secretaries?”
He said, “Not including those below Wu Yi.”
(Wu Yi was the highest-ranking female CCP official.)
The Yuan Hua Case involved RMB 83 billion.
Nearly 1,000 people were under investigation.
21 were sentenced to death.
Three current members of Politburo, Jia Qinglin, He Guoqiang
and Xi Jinping, were in charge of Fujian at that time.
The investigation team found photos
of Jia Qinglin and Lai Changxing.
Jia also recieved lots of benefits from Lai through Jia's wife,
Lin Youfang, who was in charge of foreign trade in Fujian.
Jia Qinglin was Jiang Zemin's long-term subordinate.
Jiang publicly said of Jia: "To criticize, help and protect him.”
Jiang also issued four directions through Luo Gan,
the secretary of Politics and Law Committee.
Lai once said that if the investigation team gets him back,
and he talks about Jia. Jia would be finished.
Sheng Xue: This case does not have only this one clue.
It also involves the military intelligence organizations,
public security bureaus, etc.
The clues form a huge net.
Many high-ranking military officials were
within Lai's network,
such as ex-Deputy Chair of Military Committee
Zhang Zhen and Liu Huaqing.
But those punished were only as high-ranking as Deputy Chair
of the Intelligence Department, Major-General Ji Shengde.
Confidant of Jiang, ex-Deputy Premier Li Lanqing was
the ex-leader of the 610 Office.
The 610 Office was established specifically to persecute
Falun Dafa practitioners.
Li Lanqing's son Li Zhiqun was very close to Lai.
They did business together and invested in stocks in Hong Kong.
Li Zhiqun embezzled RMB 1 billion
from the China National Heavy Duty Truck Group.
To save his son, Li Lanqing asked Jiang's help.
In Lai's office in his “Red Mansion”, there are two photos.
One is of Lai and ex-Vice Minister of Public Security Li Jizhou
and other two people. All of them have been arrested.
Another photo is of Lai and Li Lanqing, Li Tieying,
Liu Huaqing, Wang Hanbin and others.
None of these people was put under investigation.
Sheng Xue: I asked him, “It is said that if you are sent back,
a standing committee member of Politburo will commit suicide.”
He said right away, “It shouldn't be Jia Qinglin.”
He implied that someone has committed
a more serious crime than Jia in Yuan Hua Case.
Is Hu Jintao capable of destroying Jiang's camp through Lai?
The outside world doesn't think so.
However, some analysts point out that
the CCP has always been violent in power struggles.
It is also possible that Hu will establish a major case
of Jia Qinglin at the right time, to disintegrate Jiang's faction.
NTD reporters Li Yuanhan and Wang Mingyu


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