金先生:「 第一個是撞車的總體情況,具體情況還沒有搞清楚。為甚麼會發生這麼大的事故?第二個問題就是賠償問題沒有給我們解決好。 我昨天電視上好像看到了,一個人只有賠17萬左右。那根本是不可能的事情嘛。」
彭定鼎:「3.15 這種把車頭掩埋起來,夜裡深夜拖走。鐵道部就像是賊。政府都像是賊。」北京官方《經濟觀察網》的評論也質疑,鐵道部清理現場的做法,是否構成了「破壞事故現場」。
CCP Covers up Cause of Crash
China』s high-speed railway technologies were developed
from Japanese, French and German technologies.
How many independent technologies does China have?
Safety problems have long been a public concern.
It is demonstrated by the Wenzhou train accident.
In pursuit of world honors, Chinese authorities have constantly
pushed for record speeds, even at the cost of safety.
The authorities have become the focus of attention
after the public questioned the cause of the accident.
The Central Department of Propaganda issued restrictions
over the report of the crash.
This incurred more public criticism.
According to Reuters, on the day following the accident,
Central Department of Propaganda ordered the media to focus
only on the theme of “great love in front of the great disaster.”
They required the media "not to question, not to reflect,
not to speculate"- not even to investigate the cause.
Wang Yongping, a spokesman for the Ministry of Railways said
that lightening caused equipment failure,
which in turn caused the accident.
Public criticism says that the authorities
are making a mockery of the people.
Jin Xianyan and his 9-year-old son perished in the crash.
His brother requested the government
to offer compensation to the deceased.
Mr. Jin: The cause of the accident is not clarified.
Why would such a serious accident happen at the first place?
The second issue is about compensation.
I saw on television yesterday that each death
is compensated with only RMB 170,000.
That is simply great injustice!”
Beijing- based scholar Peng Dingding said that the ultimate
cause was the chaotic administration of Ministry of Railways.
It is also a result of authorities』 blind pursuit of world records,
vanity and political performance.
Lightening can never be the true reason for the accident.
Peng Dingding: It is a time of well-developed info technology.
If a train has equipment failure,
how can the other trains on the railway not obtain the info?
Is it a legitimate excuse that lightening damaged the engine?
When the high speed train was put into operation,
didn』t they take into consideration such dangers?”
Li Hongchang, professor at Beijing』s Transportation University,
expressed his confusion about the rear-end accident.
He wondered why the control office did not notify
the other vehicles as soon as the first one had stopped.
He stated that even telephone calls would fulfill that task.
Li Hongchang: It is very difficult to understand.
Why wasn』t the accident prevented
even though there were measures of prevention in place?
We all feel strange about it.
Once the control office learns of the stoppage,
they should notify the vehicles behind.
Otherwise, it would be malfeasance.
Beijing News quoted a train driver with 20 years of experience
saying that the control office should have all trains』 info,
as long as they stay on track, even with complete system failure.
All trains follow the instructions of the control office.
If the distance between two trains reaches an alert level,
the scheduling computer will send out a warning
through the automatic protection system.
The driver said, if it』s not deliberate sabotage or control system
failure, it must have been caused by mis-scheduling.
The authorities stopped rescue, eight hours after the accident,
claiming that there were no more signs of life.
They then demolished the locomotive of D301,
which is the train that rear-ended the first one, and buried it.
It is common sense that the locomotive is
important evidence for an investigation.
Peng: Burying the locomotive and moving it away at night –
the Ministry of Railways is acting like a thief,
just like the entire government.
Comments from Beijing authorities』 official website
Economic Observer Online questioned the Ministry of Railways,
saying that their clearance of the crash site
constitutes the crime of “destruction of an accident site.”
Law School professor He Weifang at Beijing University
called for a special committee of investigation for the accident.
This would be in accordance with article 71 of the constitution.
He said forming a special commission is an obligation
of the highest authorities.
The special commission institution has been established
for 30 years without even one commission being set up.
Peng Dingding said that there is no mechanism to obtain
the truth from the communist regime.
Beijing lawyer Xie Yanyi called for more channels of info,
including media and individual citizens.
The official death toll released on July 25 was 40.
However, according to Shanghai Oriental TV,
news from the accident site reported 63 deaths.
Netizen Letian released on renren.com, China』s Facebook,
that the preliminary figure of deaths had exceeded 179.
NTD reporters Qin Xue and Bo Ni

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