Rescue Efforts against Orders
Wenzhou』s "7.23 train crash," resulted in heavy casualties.
It also showed us a typical example of the lack of security
in China's high-speed railway system.
After the accident, authorities』 media whitewash the tragedy
and refused to report questions about rescuing methods,
aftermath management and victim families』 protests.
This incident exposes the common practice of mainland media
of turning a tragedy into a comedy.
However, there are also heart-warming stories about the police
and media rescuing people against the authorities』 orders.
It is deplorable to watch scenes of the accident.
Hospitals and funeral parlors are filled by
the deeply sorrowful family members of the crash victims.
The accident caused irreparable trauma to many families.
However, doubts about rescue methods and mismanagement
of the aftermath, and protests from the victims』 families
were never mentioned by the local media.
Half a month before the accident, Ministry of Railways』
Deputy Director of Political and Propaganda Departments,
Wang Yongping, claimed that the technical indicators of
China』s high-speed rail are much better than those of Japan's.
He also said rear-end accidents would not happen in China.
Two weeks later, the rear-end incident occurred.
On the next day, the Central Propaganda Department
immediately issued a blocking order and
recalled all reporters sent from various media.
Hong Kong』s Apple Daily reported that
a reporter disobeyed the order.
When asked why, this reporter said that
the recalling order was "just a show for the superiors."
Wenzhou Department of Propaganda even requested
all reporters to leave their names and info of their workplaces.
It said this is to provide assistance to the reporters later on.
One reporter intentionally made up a name and a media.
Soon, an email from Wenzhou local authorities was sent
to the made-up workplace to request recalling the reporter.
That reporter laughed heartily,
"I knew they would play this trick!"
On July 25, the authorities』 mouthpiece CCTV Noon News
reported for 20 minutes on "7.23 train derailment incident".
Out of the 20 minutes, 12 minutes were used to praise
the rescue efforts of the armed police and the hospitals.
7 minutes were used to show how the central government and
local leaders cared and tried to help and console people.
Only one minute was spent on describing the train crash.
Nothing was mentioned about the causes and responsibilities.
When a viewer called CCTV』s live show to complain,
the call was cut off in the middle.
Nearly a hundred family members of the victims surrounded
Wenzhou City Hall to ask for a speedy investigation.
However, this time, something was different from the past.
There was a TV station that dared to report the truth.
Thus, it exposed once more the authorities』 common practice
of turning a tragedy into a comedy.
According to a mainland radio broadcast:
"For two days, the entire country's attention seems
to have concentrated here.
Many major media have reported about the incident,
and there are a lot of doubts and questions online.
We have just received a message from Xinhua Net
saying that the death toll is now 38 in Wenzhou.
However, Ministry of Railways still states a death toll of 35.
"Economic Times" asked this question on its official micro-blog:
Four carriages fell several dozens of meters deep,
out of more than 400 passengers,
210 people were injured and 35 people were killed.
What happened to other 200 people?"
The only joyful news in this incident is
the rescue of 2-year-old girl Xiang Weiyi.
13 hours before her rescue, the authorities announced to
call off the rescue operations.
However, Wenzhou special police force official Shao Yerong
disobeyed the order and kept on searching for survivors.
In the end, little Weiyi was rescued.
However, some netizens fear that this disobedient
police officer will be punished.
In 1989, an army commander Xu Qinxian refused to enter
Beijing to suppress the protesting students.
He was imprisoned for five years for his actions.
After being released, Xu has always been under house arrest.
NTD reporters Tang Rui and Wang Mingyu.

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【禁聞】溫州慘劇媒體起義 主播藝人露真性

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【禁聞】否天災 溫州動車慘案疑點猶未解



【禁聞】人性與黨性 媒體與禁令
