香港《東方日報》也以“畏畏縮縮建航母 戰戰兢兢稱大國”為題,對中共國防部的發言發表了評論。文章寫到:“號稱國力全球第二的中國,連造一艘航空母艦尚且如此畏畏縮縮,無膽光明正大的打出旗號。”
China Remodeled Aircraft Carrier
On July 27, the Ministry of National Defense of
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) said that
an experimental aircraft carrier is being used for
scientific research and training.
Experts noted that the CCP remodeled the aircraft carrier
to show military might.
However, the carrier』s poor quality proved that
the CCP launched the carrier as a military “face project.”
The CCP released the news of its aircraft carrier remodeling
project in June 2011, via the Hong Kong media.
Later, China』s National Defense Department (NDD) spokesman
publicized the story,
noting that the Varyag, China』s first aircraft carrier,
was purchased from Ukraine in 1998.
The NDD also said that China』s national defense policy
will not be affected by the aircraft carrier.
However, there are different interpretations of
the NDD』s comments.
According to AFP, the CCP』s statement about the carrier
was an attempt to defuse its military significance,
to keep peace among
its neighbors in the South China Sea.
China not only has a long-standing sovereignty issue
with Japan regarding the Diaoyu Islands,
but also has similar issues in the South Chinese Sea
with Vietnam and the Philippines.
Current issue commentator Wen Zhao said that
the impact of the aircraft carrier is very limited.
Also, there is no guarantee that China can successfully defend
its sovereignty claims over the Spratly Islands with the carrier.
Wen Zhao: Most military experts are not worried
about this aircraft carrier.
It』s been said that it could take another 10 years of work
to make the carrier combat-worthy.
The aircraft carrier is in fact less powerful than it seems.
Firstly, Chinese-made aircraft carriers cannot be put to use
right away, as there is no munitions port outside of China.
Secondly, with one aircraft carrier in its arsenal,
China』s navy is less likely to gain a military advantage.
If the CCP produces more of these carriers,
the international community will strongly object.
Wen Zhao says the CCP is following
the same military strategy as the former Soviet Union did.
However, the latter gained its global military advantage by
employing the nuclear submarine, not an aircraft carrier.
The CCP wants to show off its growing military strength
with this aircraft carrier, thus fostering China』s nationalism.
The carrier is more of a prestige project.
Wen Zhao:
“It』s more pragmatic to make nuclear submarines,
knowing that one aircraft carrier costs three times
the price of a nuclear submarine.
A giant aircraft carrier can certainly help boost the morale
in China, more than an underwater submarine can.
Hong Kong』s Oriental Daily published the article,
“Hesitating Aircraft Carrier, Worrying Nation,”
which commented on the statement of
China』s National Defense Department statement.
The article said, “Enjoying the prestige of being called
the second most militarily powerful nation in the world,
China is fearful even when making an aircraft carrier.
The retrofitting of the Varyag by the CCP military
was called into question, right from the beginning.
Andrei Pinkov, a Canadian military critic, says that
the Varyag has massive innate design flaw issues.
Thus, it』s strange that China』s navy
would use an out-of-date Soviet-era vessel made in the 1970s.
What are some of the Varyag』s major design flaws?
The Wired magazine quoted U.S. military expert, Aix,
as saying that the Varyag has insufficient combat effectiveness.
China』s F-15 fighters are inferior to the U.S. F/A-18 Hornet.
Also they have no advanced electronic fighter jets,
carrier transport planes or fixed-wing AWACS.
Basically, the Varyag has a poor self-defense system,
with only a small fleet of submarines and warships.
What』s more,
China is unable to produce advanced engines.
The Varyag is a 30-year-old vessel with communication and
electronic systems that were rebuilt by the CCP.
It is similar to the CCP』s purchase of a high-speed Japanese
train, where the CCP developed its safety signal system.
Netizens taunted the CCP, saying that they hope China』s
aircraft carrier could set sail with a firm safety guarantee,
so as not to duplicate the tragedies of its high-speed trains.
NTD reporters Liu Hui, Song Feng and Wang Mingyu

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