Lawyers: Lai's Clemency Violates Law
After repeated negotiations between China and Canada,
Lai Changxing, the main culprit behind the Yuan Hua Case,
China's biggest smuggling case of 12 years ago,
was recently sent back to China.
China previously promised to not sentence Lai to death.
How will Lai be punished, then?
Some lawyers said that Lai's death pardon is against the law.
Where as some scholars believe that
Lai's case is a good opportunity to eradicate corruption.
2 were sentenced to life imprisonment,
and 58 people received lesser sentences.
Guo Lianhui, lawyer from Jiangxi Province, said that
with 14 people sentenced to death in the case,
the fact that the principal culprit Lai was granted clemency
shows the utter disregard for the law by
the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP).
How can administrative officials be above the law?
Attorney Guo Lianhui: According to the law,
the CCP should not have promised Lai's clemency,
after extraditing him back to China.
Because there were so many people sentenced to death
and so many high-level officials involved in the case,
if the CCP indeed carries out such a promise,
it will indicate that China is not governed by the rule of law.
Guo also said that in an effort to extradite Lai to China,
the CCP promised not to kill him.
It makes people curious about the possible power struggle
behind the scenes.
He said that at that time, the then-CCP leader Jiang Zemin
ordered the investigation into Lai's case dropped,
because a lot more high-ranking officials were involved.
But how to properly try Lai has become
a hot topic of the Chinese society.
Zhu Xinxin, an overseas writer from “China Observer,”
believes that Lai's case will surely be secretly tried.
As to the CCP's promise of clemency in Lai's case,
Zhu does not trust the CCP's promise.
Zhu Xinxin: “Although the CCP promised not to sentence
him to death. (I believe that) it's hard to say.
As per an online rumor, since Lai knows so many secrets,
if he goes against the CCP, he might be killed.
The CCP will find an excuse, like a deadly illness,
and makes him disappear forever.
That is pretty easy for the CCP to do.”
However, Guo analyzed the case from a legal perspective
and said that there is a chance that
Lai could still be granted clemency.
Guo: If he gives an honest testimony which reveals
a lot of previously hidden facts,
or if he can make other contributions to the state,
then he will stand a better chance to be granted clemency.
Tie Liu, a writer, said that when Lai returned to China,
every corrupt official was so afraid.
However if the CCP's current head Hu Jintao uses Lai
only as a tool for his power struggle,
then that will be China's tragedy
and China's corruption will never stop.
Tie Liu: “If (Lai) is a sharp sword (used to end corruption),
to use it only for power struggle will be a pity.
If that is the case, corruption in China will never stop.
If Hu Jintao cares about the nation and wants to make major
contributions to China's history and be well remembered,
then he should use this case to look into the vast corruption
taking place in China and dismiss all those corrupt officials.”
But Zhu Xinxin believes that in China,
nothing is certain.
Zhu Xinxin said: “In a communist society without laws,
any prediction is uncertain, because it is an iron curtain,
with everything taking place on the backstage;
even the tyrants cannot predict their own future.
In such a system, people have no sense of security and
no one knows what the next step is going to be.”
Zhu Xinxin hopes that Lai can tell what he knows,
or at least leave some evidence of the CCP.
If the truth cannot be exposed immediately,
at least it can someday be brought to light.
NTD reporters Bai Mei, Song Feng and Xue Li


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